Archive for September, 2020

Don’t Dream of Winning, Train for It!

Wednesday, September 30th, 2020



Last night while running with my training group, Ryan asked, “Did you register”? Register for what? “Ironman Canada, general registration opened yesterday.” (As a result of this years race getting covid-19 cancelled, the 2021 race has already been full.). Oh, really … hun … I will register tonight, I said.



I did not get home immediately, but I did get home fast. A quick stop in the kitchen for a toasted bagel and some peanut butter and honey, and then to my computer and without consideration of the ‘ridiculous’ entry fee, I had secured my spot.

Nearly immediately, I felt good.  I even felt a little excited. This surprised me.

A few minutes later, a notification on my phone indicated I was tagged on an Instagram photo. I opened it … and there I was with my group running track an hour earlier. Coach Cal, wrote the simple line, “Don’t dream of winning, train for it.”

Hmmm. I was a little upset by this. Why? There I was running on the track with fast girls and my dog, Roo. Dogs are not allowed on the track. (You see, not everyone realizes he is the best doggie in Calgary. Most think he is just another dog. Not true.) Or was I upset by the simplicity of the message.

I began to think about Coach Cals message. You see Cal knows endurance sport and has many accolades including being a 9 time Xterra Off Road World Champion, and most recently, getting the FKT (fastest known time) up Mount Allan in Kananaskis. He is my age. When he got that FKT by more than 15 minutes within the past 14 days, I congratulated him on his ability to plan, execute and implement. (It is not by chance that he got that FKT. He spoke to me about going for it at least a couple of months ago.)

Here I am in Calgary with an amazing athletic community and a world class coach. Why shouldn’t I train to win? (I have some history of ‘age group’ success in the sport.) Why not me? Why would I make excuses not to go for ‘the win’. Why don’t I approach each training session with just a little more focus, and give it my very best.

The last time I did IM Canada my goal was a sub 10 hour day and an age group podium finish. That was a long long time ago in 2008. I did it.

In the next 11 months, I will train for the win. I’m excited.

This is part of a series of pieces, written in about twelve minutes, proof read once with tiny edits and then posted online. Someday, probably not, I may publish a book entitled: Bryon Wrote This Book in 12 Minutes.

You can learn more about me and my real estate business at



Вечерние и выпускные платья в Киеве 2023 года

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2020

Идеальное вечернее платье в Киеве то, в котором чувствуешь себя красивой. Вечерние платья в Киеве надевают преимущественно на свадьбы, торжественные банкеты, выпускные вечера. Скидки и распродажа вечерних платьев


Building Community – You won socks

Friday, September 18th, 2020


When checking email this morning, I choose to first open this one: “Congrats, you just won a challenge prize: Specialized Biking Socks”. I’m excited.

1985 was International Year of the  Youth. It was also my final year of High School. I was very involved in Student Leadership.  In January of ’85, “We Are the World” was written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie, and sung by many of America’s most popular musicians at the time. I was very involved in Red Cross Youth Volunteer Leadership attending conferences and workshops around the World.

“Think Global, Act Local” was in my DNA.

Since that time I have tried various work and volunteer roles within my community … with attempts to ‘give back’. I’ve been on various boards, held a position as editor of local newsletter, coached youth sport, and my very worst disaster as a community volunteer was in a role as “Facilities Supervisor”.

Getting back to “Winning Socks”. In May of this year, I learned of Climbduro. It’s a Calgary based start up that is all about digging deep, challenging your friends, and most importantly challenging yourself (on a bicycle). In May, I registered an account, and have enjoyed participating in the bicycle segment challenges in and around Calgary.

By participating, I feel part of community. Sometimes, I think that riding a bicycle does make the world a better place.

What does “Thinking Global, Act Local” mean to you? Is building community important? What are simple examples that you’ve noticed. I would love to hear about some community builders/examples in your life. Can you comment/share in comments below?

This is part of a series of pieces, written in about twelve minutes, proof read once with tiny edits and then posted online. Someday, probably not, I may publish a book entitled: Bryon Wrote This Book in 12 Minutes. 

You can learn more about me and my real estate business at

Свадебные платья 2023 в Киеве купить недорого

Friday, September 4th, 2020

В свадебном салоне вы можете найти платья на любой вкус и подходящие для любого случая. Более того, вам не придется тратить свое время на поиски свадебного платья по всему городу – все модели находятся в одном месте, что упрощает процесс выбора и экономит время. (more…)

Bryon Howard, RE/MAX House of Real Estate
20, 2439 54 Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta, T3E 1M4
Tel: 403-287-3880 (Re/Max) or 403-475-7368 (office) Fax: 403-287-3876 or 403-276-8049 (office)
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