Archive for January, 2021

Tudo Sobre Inteligência Artificial IA: Significado, Exemplos e Mais

Thursday, January 21st, 2021

Daniel Dennett argumenta em Consciência Explicada que se não há uma centelha mágica ou alma nos seres humanos, então o Homem é apenas uma outra máquina. Dennett questiona por que razão o Homem-máquina deve ter uma posição privilegiada sobre todas as outras possíveis máquinas quando provido de inteligência. Desde o início os fundamentos da inteligência artificial tiveram o suporte de várias disciplinas que contribuíram com ideias, pontos de vista e técnicas para a IA. Por sua vez, os matemáticos forneceram as ferramentas para manipular declarações de certeza lógica, bem como declarações incertas e probabilísticas.

A curso de teste de software está mudando as regras da segurança cibernética, analisando grandes volumes de dados de risco para acelerar os tempos de resposta e aumentar as operações de segurança com poucos recursos. As aplicações para essa tecnologia estão crescendo a cada dia e estamos apenas começando a
explorar as possibilidades. Mas à medida que o entusiasmo em torno do uso de IA nos negócios decola,
as conversas relativas à ética tornam-se extremamente importantes. Para ver mais informações sobre o posicionamento da IBM nas discussões sobre a ética da IA, leia mais aqui.

Quais são os desafios de usar inteligência artificial?

E não apenas tarefas mecânicas, mas também tarefas que exigiam a atuação de profissionais especializados. A inteligência artificial, em um contexto amplo, possui aplicações diversas, sendo empregada na resolução de problemas práticos por entidades civis, governamentais, e militares. Há uma discussão sobre como a IA tem sido integrada em sistemas de planejamento automatizado, diagnóstico médico, reconhecimento de linguagem e muito mais, mostrando a ampla gama de aplicações e o impacto profundo da IA em múltiplas áreas.

Um MLL é capaz de considerar não apenas palavras individuais, mas frases inteiras e comparar o uso de palavras e frases em uma passagem com outros exemplos em todos os seus dados de treinamento. Uma maneira de ver como esse processo de treinamento pode criar diferentes tipos de IA é pensar em diferentes animais. Os robôs poderiam remover ervas daninhas, por exemplo, através da diminuição do uso de herbicidas. Tem a capacidade de aprender e desempenhar qualquer tarefa que os seres humanos realizam. Paralelamente a esta abordagem existe a abordagem IA “scruffies”, ou “coneccionista”, da qual as redes neuronais são o melhor exemplo. Esta abordagem cria sistemas que tentam gerar inteligência pela aprendizagem e adaptação em vez da criação de sistemas desenhados com o objectivo especifico de resolver um problema.

Pesquisa na web

Outra forma que a IA pode estar dentro das empresas é através de soluções dedicadas, criadas com os dados da própria empresa. Mas, agora, ferramentas como o ChatGPT e Midjourney permitem que essas pessoas executem atividades que antes exigiriam a contratação um profissional especializado ou para melhorar as suas atividades no dia a dia. Ele depende de uma enorme quantidade de poder de computação que permite que a IA memorize grandes quantidades de palavras – sozinhas, em grupos, em frases e páginas – e depois leia e compare como elas são usadas repetidamente em uma fração de um segundo. Essas duas ações simples tomadas juntas – e em grande escala – são como a maioria dos sistemas de IA foi treinada para tomar decisões incrivelmente complexas. A ideia de um único modelo de IA capaz de processar qualquer tipo de dados e, portanto, executar qualquer tarefa, desde traduzir entre idiomas até projetar novos medicamentos, é conhecida como inteligência geral artificial (AGI). Essa abordagem multimodal foi uma das razões para o enorme salto de capacidade entre o ChatGPT3, que era treinado apenas com texto, e o ChatGPT4, que também era treinado com imagens.

  • Atualmente, no entanto, as vertentes que trabalham com os pressupostos da emergência e com elementos da IA fraca parecem ter ganhado proeminência do campo.
  • O cartão de fidelização do supermercado acompanha os seus hábitos e gostos através das suas compras.
  • Imagine que um time de Ciência de Dados em uma empresa de cartões identificou um padrão nos dados da empresa que permitiu verificar clientes que cometem algum tipo de fraude.
  • O software de tradução linguística, baseado em texto escrito ou falado, confia na inteligência artificial para fornecer e melhorar traduções.

Com maior desenvolvimento a partir da década de 1950, a já faz parte da vida cotidiana das pessoas por meio dos assistentes de voz, dos mecanismos de pesquisa, dos carros autônomos e das redes sociais. Apesar de trazerem inúmeros benefícios e avanços importantes em diversas áreas, muito se debate a respeito dos limites éticos da inteligência artificial e do papel que elas desempenham na nossa sociedade atual. A utilização da IA permite obter não somente ganhos significativos de performance, mas também possibilita o desenvolvimento de aplicações inovadoras, capazes de expandir de forma extraordinária nossos sentidos e habilidades intelectuais. Cada vez mais presente, a inteligência artificial simula o pensamento humano e se alastra por nosso cotidiano.

A importância da Inteligência Artificial

As máquinas usam IAs generativas para aprender com os dados dos sensores e adaptar-se às diferentes condições do solo e das plantas. Para pessoas não desenvolvedoras, a IA até o momento tinha um impacto indireto, melhorando a qualidade e a eficiência de produtos e serviços que utilizam em suas vidas diárias. As pessoas interagem com a IA através de assistentes virtuais (como Siri, Alexa e Google Assistant), serviços de streaming de música e vídeo, que usam algoritmos de recomendação, e aplicativos de tradução automática, como o Google Tradutor. A IA pode entender e interpretar comandos de voz e textos em diversos idiomas, permitindo a criação de assistentes virtuais como Siri, Alexa e Google Assistant, bem como sistemas de tradução automática, como o Google Tradutor. Agradecemos a Maryam Ahmed por sua orientação sobre modelos de aprendizado de máquina. Em termos mais simples, é aqui que o uso de algoritmos complexos e enormes conjuntos de dados significa que a IA pode aprender sem qualquer orientação humana.

Para manter a disposição do adversário em desafiar a máquina seria necessário aparentar fragilidade e garantir a continuidade da partida. Isso é muito utilizado em máquinas de cassino, sendo que vários apostadores podem ser induzidos a dispensar consideráveis quantias em apostas. As soluções de analytics do SAS transformam dados em inteligência, inspirando clientes em todo o mundo a fazer novas descobertas ousadas que impulsionam o progresso. E qualquer camada adicional de previsão ou análise precisa ser adicionada separadamente. Aplicações de inteligência artificial podem resultar em medicamentos e leituras de raio X personalizados. Assistentes pessoais podem agir como treinadores, lembrando você de tomar seus remédios, se exercitar ou comer alimentos saudáveis.

Вечірні сукні

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

Ідеальна вечірня сукня у Києві та, в якій почуваєшся красивою. Вечірні сукні у Києві надягають переважно на весілля, урочисті банкети, випускні вечори. Знижки та розпродаж вечірніх суконь

Недорогі вечірні сукні у Києві

Вечірні сукні 2023 – це сукні, які ми надягаємо в особливий день і з особливого випадку. Вечірні сукні шиють ошатних тканин таких як шифон, тафта, шовк, атлас або оксамит, останнім часом органза, блиск, фатин. (more…)

United States ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI

Thursday, January 14th, 2021

what is ism services index

New orders help provide insight as to the demand for services by consumers and businesses and, ultimately, whether economic growth is increasing or decreasing. The services PMI report provides an overall outlook for business activity in the United States. The PMI index is reported as a number—above 50 represents growth or expansion while below 50 represents a contraction. The report also shows the industries that experienced growth in business activity compared to the prior month while showing which industries contracted. Monitoring the ISM Services PMI can help investors better understand the economic conditions within the U.S. Also, some service sectors may experience growth while others contract, which can be helpful when choosing which industry to invest in via equities or corporate bonds.

The ISM manufacturing index is a composite index that gives equal weighting to new orders, production, employment, supplier deliveries, and inventories. — After Friday’s strong jobs report made it likely the Federal Reserve will delay interest rates cuts investors will be focusing on upcoming earnings and economic data to gauge the… The PMI has been calculated and published monthly since 1948 by the ISM, a not-for-profit professional association. In the spring of 2023, the bond market rallied sharply, effectively forecasting a rate cut by the Federal Reserve.But the punt turned to tears as the Federal Reserve continued… The EUR/USD remains bearish, with traders cautious due to uncertain Fed easing expectations.Dollar rally eased as bond yields fell back, supported by stronger ISM services PMI, while Fed officials’…

what is ism services index

In addition, the ISM includes commentary on several manufacturing industries not explicitly called out in their table of information. For example, six manufacturing industries reported growth in November, led by the apparel industry. For each of the categories, a diffusion index is calculated by adding the percentage of respondents reporting an increase to half of the percentage of respondents reporting no change.

ISM shows services sector expansion continued in February

The composite manufacturing index is calculated by taking an equal 20% weighting for five categories of questions on new orders, production, employment, supplier deliveries, and inventories. By monitoring the ISM manufacturing index, investors can better understand national economic trends and conditions. When the index is rising, investors anticipate a bullish stock market in reaction to higher corporate profits. The opposite is the case in the bond markets, which may fall as the ISM Manufacturing Index rises because of the sensitivity of bonds to inflation. The ISM Report on Business contains three separate purchasing managers indexes based on surveys. In addition to the manufacturing PMI, the ISM produces a services PMI, for the non-manufacturing sector, which is released on the third business day of the month.

This is because the index is a survey of purchasing managers and supply management executives who are at the forefront of their companies’ supply chains. Purchasing managers are in the best position to assess the ebb and flow of business conditions. The manufacturers they work for must respond quickly to changes in demand, ramping up or scaling back purchases of materials they use in anticipation of demand for their finished products.

what is ism services index

The ISM Services PMI provides significant information about factors affecting total output, growth, and inflation. The overall trend in inventory levels, and whether they’re increasing or decreasing, can help provide insight as to the level of demand for the services within specific industries. If demand is high, leading to lower inventory levels, it can be a leading economic indicator as to the health of consumer spending in the economy. Increased levels of consumer spending typically lead to higher economic growth. The Institute for Supply Management is a not-for-profit organization with over 50,000 members across 100 countries. The ISM helps to establish education, research, leadership development, and certification in various areas regarding the profession of supply management and purchasing.

Components of the ISM Services Report

It is for informational and educational purposes only as of the date of writing, and may not be appropriate for other purposes. The views and opinions expressed may change at any time based on market or other conditions and may not come to pass. The report does not provide material information about the business and affairs of TD Bank Group and the members of TD Economics are not spokespersons for TD Bank Group with respect to its business and affairs. The information contained in this report has been drawn from sources believed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed to be accurate or complete.

  1. The ISM Services PMI comes out in the first week of each month and provides a detailed view of the U.S. economy from a non-manufacturing standpoint.
  2. If demand is high, leading to lower inventory levels, it can be a leading economic indicator as to the health of consumer spending in the economy.
  3. Survey respondents are asked whether activities in their organizations are increasing, decreasing, or stagnant.
  4. The information contained in this report has been drawn from sources believed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed to be accurate or complete.
  5. When the index is rising, investors anticipate a bullish stock market in reaction to higher corporate profits.

The Institute also releases a Semi-Annual Economic Forecast in May and December. The ISM report has several components that measure business growth or contraction, as well as many other factors that go into the supply management process. The ISM Manufacturing Index states figures as a number that indicates whether the manufacturing sector is growing or contracting. A PMI reading over 50 (or over 50%) means the sector is growing compared to the previous month, while a PMI reading under 50 (or under 50%) means the sector has month-over-month contracted. Inventory levels are tracked each month to show whether there’s a reported increase or decrease.

This report contains economic analysis and views, including about future economic and financial markets performance. These are based on certain assumptions and other factors, and are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties. The monthly announcement of the ISM manufacturing index can greatly influence investor and business confidence.

Example of ISM Manufacturing Index

The activities include new orders, production, employment, supplier deliveries, inventories, customers’ inventories, commodity prices, order backlog, new export orders, and imports. The ISM survey is broadly diversified across industries based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), which is weighted by each industry’s share of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP). Survey responses are delineated into 17 industry sectors, such as chemical products, computer, and electronic products, and transportation equipment. Conversely, if there are more workers looking for work than open positions, it can indicate that economic growth is slowing and unemployment may increase.

The price paid could also include services that companies needed, such as software services. The prices paid for services and goods by companies can be an indicator of inflation, which is a measure of how much prices increase in an economy. If businesses are paying higher prices, it’s likely inflation is occurring. Higher prices could also be an indicator of a shortage in supply for particular goods. New orders include new sales that were recorded for the month and whether businesses have seen increases or decreases in demand for their services versus prior months. For example, retailers might report a high demand for their services at year-end due to the holiday season.

The first three columns from the report indicate the most recent findings from the survey as well as the month-over-month change in each index. The report also signals the rate of change in addition to longer-term trends (how long each index has been moving in any given direction in terms of months). Survey respondents are asked whether activities in their organizations are increasing, decreasing, or stagnant.

The ISM Services PMI (formerly the Non-Manufacturing NMI) is compiled and issued by the Institute of Supply Management (ISM) and contains a diffusion index based on survey data. Adam Hayes, Ph.D., CFA, is a financial writer with 15+ years Wall Street experience as a derivatives trader. Besides his extensive derivative trading expertise, Adam is an expert in economics and behavioral finance.

The ISM manufacturing index, also known as the purchasing managers’ index (PMI), is a monthly indicator of U.S. economic activity based on a survey of purchasing managers at more than 300 manufacturing firms. It is considered to be a key indicator of the state of the U.S. economy. Formally called the Manufacturing ISM Report on Business, the survey is conducted by the Institute for Supply Management (ISM). The ISM Services report also shows which service industries reported an increase in prices paid for various raw materials and goods.

Key Takeaways

The ISM Services PMI comes out in the first week of each month and provides a detailed view of the U.S. economy from a non-manufacturing standpoint. Trends can go on for months, which is valuable for analysts who focus on making long-term economic forecasts. The Institute of Supply Management (ISM) Non-Manufacturing Index is an economic index based on surveys of more than 400 non-manufacturing (or services) firms’ purchasing and supply executives. The ISM services survey is part of the ISM Report On Business—Manufacturing (PMI) and Services (PMI). In the beginning of December 2022, the ISM released the series index information for November 2022.

Adam received his master’s in economics from The New School for Social Research and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in sociology. He is a CFA charterholder as well as holding FINRA Series 7, 55 & 63 licenses. He currently researches and teaches economic sociology and the social studies of finance at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Alberta Appreciation Post: An Epic Trip Report

Monday, January 11th, 2021

Mosquito Creek – Quartzite and Ramp Peaks


One of the great things about living in Calgary is access to incredible adventures in any season.
On Saturday morning Patrice I met on the SW end of the city at 6:05am and were at Lake Louise shortly after 8am to meet Jay. Together we drove to the Parking lot to Mosquito Creek along the Icefields Parkway.

Our Objective this weekend: To snow kite the base of Quartzite Peak. The wind forecast was roughly 4-16 kt from the West. (Sub objective for me: test my snow camping / “expeditioning” skills!).

Shortly after 9am, in about -15 degrees we started up Mosquito Creek to our camp site – 5km in. Patrice and I set up our tents and Jay claimed an existing Quinzhee as his home. From the campsite, we immediately left the trail, and entered the forest, diagonally uphill towards climber’s left side on Quartzite.


Mosquito Mountains

Finally we broke tree line and were at the flats of Mosquito Mountain. I was excited as I felt wind and was ready to pull out my Ozone 15m Kite. I checked my enthusiasm, got my wind meter out, and wind was not even strong enough to make it move.

We climbed to 2500m up Mosquito before a terrific Ski back to camp.

It was cold … I suspect dipping to -20 degrees Saturday night. Jay, an Edmonton based fire fighter – likes to make fire more than he likes to put them out – making his a perfect snow camping partner! We had a ranging fire and delicious supper prior to hitting our shelters about 8:15pm. We agreed to meet for breakfast at 8am, just after sunrise.

Comparing notes – Patrice won the sleep game, hardly waking at all. I slept pretty well – waking at 10pm, 2am, and 6:30am for short ‘rolling sessions’. Jay said he slept twice for about 10minutes! He was done, and would head down to trail head.

Patrice and I followed a different route to the base of Mosquito. Once again, reaching the flats … I was optimistic on wind. Pulling out my wind meter … the wind was obviously nothing that would allow me to launch my kite. I decided I’d summit Ramp Mountain.

My orienteering skills failed me. I ended up on Quartzite – prior to a epic ski down!

Bryon Howard, RE/MAX House of Real Estate
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