Archive for the ‘Calgary Real Estate’ Category

Are you a Seller or Buyer of Calgary Real Estate? It is more fun to be an optimist – but …

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020

Bryon Howard Calgary Real Estate


While it is more fun to be an optimist, one must consider the time we are in, and one’s individual circumstances and plan appropriately.

What do you think is hurting YYC real estate numbers more, our Energy Sector or Covid-19?

Our Energy Sector.

In Feb, 20,000 jobs were taken out of Calgary due to Energy Prices. In March, our start into Covid19, another 40K jobs were lost. Many of the job losses were highly paid professional and scientific in the oil industry.

Sales dropped 63% in April and 43% in May. Of course, new listings also dropped, and we now see that our prices from the same months in 2019 dropped just 4%. (Higher priced homes decreased more than lower priced.)

RBC reported The Canada economy will retract by 8% and Alberta will experience the most pain. Furthermore, we have still not recovered from the 2015 recession.

Alberta is likely in the worst recession it has ever experienced. While in-migration levels should increase this year, this in-migration to our province is international. These are “newcomers” to Canada – establishing in their new home. We are expecting to have the most job losses in recorded history of approximately 250,000. Unemployment in 2021 is expected to be in the double digits.

A colleague of mine, Keith Braun, has prepared a very good analysis. You may see it here.

Have you got real estate decisions to make? Each region of Calgary is different, and every community is different. Depending on your circumstances, and area, it may make sense to continue on your plan to be a seller or a buyer. All the variables must be considered in your life’s situation, and your goals.

If you are attempting to navigate the Calgary Real Estate Market, please reach out. I would love to share what I know, and assist in your ‘best decision making’, based on your lifestyle and future goals.

This is part of a series of pieces, written in about twelve minutes, proof read once with tiny edits and then posted online.

Someday, probably not, I may publish a book entitled: Bryon Wrote This Book in 12 Minutes. 

You can learn more about me and my real estate business at

Friends, Family, Business Colleagues – Making a Real Estate Decision? Three Reasons Why You Should Call me, even though we don’t live in the same city

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020

Bryon Howard Calgary Realtor


In the past 30 days, in separate provinces and states than where I live, my sister bought a house, my brother sold a house, my cousin sold a house, and my niece had a question regarding her investment property and best ways not to renew a lease for tenants. In the end, they all did very well with their decisions, however, they all had some frustrations and unanswered questions that I was able to assist with. I was very happy to help.

Real Estate decisions are some of the largest financial decisions a person will make in life. Stats show that most people choose the first realtor they come across, often selected from a Bus Bench or Internet Search. Even more than most industries, the difference between a professional and an amateur is huge. Selecting the right realtor and plan to sell or buy your home, could save you tens of thousands of dollars, possibly hundreds of thousands. In the very least, buying or selling a home can be a very positive experience, or a negative. Don’t you deserve a positive experience?

During my entire career, I have networked with North America’s Top Producers. Quite possibly I know a very good realtor in your market, or at least know how find and vet a good fit for you.

Here are three reasons you should ask for my help:

1. The cost and ‘pain’ of becoming a realtor is relatively low. There are more inexperienced and unprofessional industry members in the real estate business than most businesses. You may as well have the best. Let me vet your real estate professional.

2. In North America, they typical agent sells 4 homes per year, and only ‘lasts’ in the industry for 3 years. I’ve been selling real estate since since 2002, and since that time have averaged selling a house a week! You want a professional who does the job everyday, over and over again. You want someone who has experience working in boom and bust markets, and have seen the myriad of issues we see in the home selling and buying process. Allow me to ensure the realtor you end up with, has the experience in the kind of market you are living in.

3. I would really appreciate your help in growing my business. You are my friend, my relative, my business associate. We have similar interests and values.  Allowing me to help you with this important real estate decision keeps me connected to other professional industry members over the world.

Icing On The Cake: Did you know it is common practice in the real estate industry to provide a 25% referral fee? Did you know that country wide, the average commission on the purchase or sale of a home is approximately $10,000? If I provide you a Realtor referral for your real estate purchase or sale, I could potentially earn $2,500.

It is worth ‘my effort’ to ensure you have a positive experience with your home selling or buying. While we do not live in the same place, the next time you are making a real estate decision, find me with a quick search on the internet – I will ensure the chance of you having a positive experience is much greater than otherwise!


This is part of a series of pieces, written in about twelve minutes, proof read once with tiny edits and then posted online.

Someday, probably not, I may publish a book entitled: Bryon Wrote This Book in 12 Minutes. 

You can learn more about me and my real estate business at

COVID-19 The CoronaVirus Solution for Sellers & Buyers with Legitimate Concerns

Thursday, March 26th, 2020

As top Calgary real estate agents, I recently had a good friend who wants to sell his house but has legitimate concerns with the Coronavirus, and the homeowner really wants to sell the property to move on with his family’s personal goals.  He is asking me what the solution is to this problem how to do this safely?

It’s clear that they are a lot of buyers in the market right now and sellers are not excited to put their home on the market  Therefore only serious sellers will put their home on the market.  The low-interest rate is a major incentive for buyers and is fueling those that have a strong desire to buy.

Our last two sold listings sold quickly and one with multiple offers.  Therefore we need to look at logical solutions for both sellers and buyers to keep everyone safe, yet meet the need to buy and sell a home.

A unique problem is how do we sell the house when everyone is legitimately freaked out about potential exposure to the coronavirus when traditionally an open house with lots of people and multiple unnecessary showings is welcomed is how we would do it.

What can a real estate agent do to help solve this new problem and protect all involved? 

After doing research with the Canadian Public Health Services  for accurate information CLICK HERE for the updates, and then watching this TEDX Talk to learn more from a Global Health expert’s understanding CLICK HERE to watch.

Then talking to many very successful real estate agents about solutions, reading what the REAL ESTATE COUNCIL OF ALBERTA recommended, thinking long and hard about the way that we do business today in real estate and what the future holds it became clearer to me what we can do to help out.

If you want to review what is being recommended in general to businesses today, here is Canada Public Health recommendation.

Let’s start with a couple of the reasons why the traditional way of buying and selling a home today is probably not in the sellers or the buyer’s best interest with the concerns of the coronavirus.

Buying a home:

Number one problem buyers and the typical buyer agents are NOT thorough enough in their reserach phase buyer consultations:

  • Exactly what they would be willing to buy
  • The lifestyle desires & priorities
  • Their criteria for features
  • The deal-breakers
  • Purchasing power and remodel budget
  • Property types, models, lot size, and all options
  • Pros and cons of different neighbourhoods and communities

Professional buyers agents do this level of buyer consultation upfront saving everyone time and helping their buyers reduce the need to drive to and walk through lots and lots of homes to self discover what they want.

To protect our buyers and sellers, we can spend more time in a Buyer Consultation.

Solution: buyers and buyers agents need to have a thorough buying consultation and go as deep as humanly possible in a safe office environment, at home with a laptop or a safe environment in which you can really explore every nuance of what you want in the house and new community.

  • Conference calls (I have a great conference line to use)
  • Zoom video conference (I have an account to use)
  • Safely meet at your house
  • If appropriate safely meet at our office in a conference room that I would sanitize in advance

 A top buyers agent should be able to help a buyer NOT have to go see lots of properties to learn.

Second: professional buyers agents can:

  • Go safely preview the property for you
  • You can request a video live virtual tour
  • Set up safe private showings coordinated with the listing agents
  • Have deep discussions with the listing agents about the pros and cons of the property to determine whether or not that property is something that the buyer should see saving everybody a lot of time.

Ultimately keeping people safe from lots of unnecessary exposure is the protocol for buyers and sellers who have to do something now.

For home buyers, this is truly when the value of a great professional real estate agent can make the difference in not only saving time, gas – drive time, provide unique hyper-local expertise and simply protect their clients.

Schedule your buyer consultation by texting Patrick at 403-589-0004.

Selling your house:

You want to sell your home but don’t want a big open house, lots of showings, you just want only the most serious buyers to come over.  As top listing agents, we can ask the buyer or the buyer’s agent to really think clearly about the pros and cons, the deal-breakers and everything about the property in advance of going physically.

Naturally, we can tell every buyer and buyers agent that the sellers have strong concerns about the CoronaVirus so please use your best judgement on who comes to the property.  And we will reserve the right to refuse access to the property with anyone that is suspicious of showing signs of illness.

We all can use our best judgement instead of sending the whole family maybe just send their Realtor or one family member.  This eliminates “lookie-loo buyers” allowing the listing agent to protect their selling clients from lots of exposure to random people in their home.

In today’s crazy market, the workload falls really on the listing agent’s ability to communicate effectively with buyers and buyers agents. We need buyers agents to get more specific about what their buyers want and qualifications so that we can eliminate excess showings and looking at a property that aren’t really what they want.

The new home seller marketing plan:

For home sellers, we are adding NEW items for buyers online research:

  • Live Video Tours, Virtual Tours, Matterport 3d presentations
  • Community/neighbourhood explainer videos
  • Property explainer videos
  • Build website pages that host more details than the MLS

We have to give the buyers all of the best information, traditionally we would try to make the property as pretty as possible to get more buyers to come to visit the house.  Now we need to give them as much as possible so the right ones only make the decision to come.  In this environment, this strategy does not compromise the seller’s high sales price.

For home sellers, we will be qualifying all the buyer showing requests in advanced, screening the professionalism of the buyers’ agents with their buyers to mitigate any excess showings and find the best possible buyer and sell them the home.  Keeping everyone safe!  Yet still, achieve the goal.

Now more than ever the professionalism of the real estate agents is critical!  People will “have to buyer & sell” regardless of severe global challenges.

Contact Bryon Howard to book a consultation phone call to start.

Text at: 403-589-0004 “buyer or seller consultation”

Calgary Real Estate Housing Market Update: Feeling The Chill With Oversupply

Monday, March 11th, 2019

Wow. It was a Cold February, not only in temperature – but also in Real Estate Sales!

The mean (or average) temperature for February was -18.7 C, making this the third-coldest February on record, according to Environment Canada climatologists. The coldest of February was in 1936 when the mean temperature was -24.5 C

The effects of Calgary’s economic climate, and likely the cold temperature, continue to create weak sales activity and elevated inventory in the city’s housing market. Of course, lower prices are the result.

No substantial change in the economic climate and concerns regarding potential layoffs in the energy sector are leaving both sellers and buyers uncertain.

As of February, citywide benchmark prices were $414,400. This is nearly five percent below last January, slightly lower than last month’s figures, and over 10 percent below highs recorded in 2014.

While the market remains in oversupply;  slower sales and price declines do appear to be influencing sellers. New listings this month eased by eight percent compared to last year for a total of 2,211 units.


However, the 976 sales this month were not enough to substantially impact inventories levels, which remain elevated at 5,885 units.

If you have questions on Calgary real estate, whether it is housing, condo’s, or acreages, we can help you.


Are you looking to Sell or Buy a home in Calgary and need someone who won’t rest until you’ve found your dream home or until your home is sold? I’ll work hard to earn your trust and to deliver exactly what you need. Contact me at 403-465-0210 or at

About Bryon Howard

Bryon Howard and his team of Calgary real estate professionals sell an average of two homes a week. He is a member of the MLS Million Point Club, which ranks him roughly in the top 1% of productive realtors in Calgary. His aim is not just to please clients but to help them buy/sell a home in Calgary at the best price, in the shortest time, and with the least hassle. He is a member of the RE/MAX House of Real Estate that leads in the Canadian market. Learn more about Bryon at

Fall In Love with Calgary: 5 Reasons Why

Sunday, March 4th, 2018

The thing about Calgary is that once people come here for a short visit – they often end up extending their stay.

In fact, many never leave!

As a result, Calgary city continues to have a growing and thriving population.  Spend some time here and you tend to get hooked.  There are a thousand good reasons to fall in love with this place, and here are my “Top Five” list.


  1. Calgary young. – According to Statistic Canada’s 2016 census figures, Calgary city remains the most youthful metropolitan area in Canada. Young single professionals and young families continue to motor the city forward and the youthful energy is contagious – even if you are just young at heart.


  1. Jobs The oil and gas industries have endured a few rough years, but given the cyclical nature of these fields, the ongoing rebound in the unemployment rate is likely to continue for some time. More importantly, the energy industry is not the only sector of the economy offering employment opportunities in Calgary. The city hosts the home offices of leaders in manufacturing, health care, education, and business services.


  1. Mountain Vistas with an Urban Vibe – When you put down roots in Calgary, there is no need to choose between the love of nature and longing for an active urban lifestyle. In Calgary, we have it all. Towering ski slopes and some of the world’s most beautiful mountain lakes are only an hour away from world-class dining and international entertainment.  In the midst of an urban setting, we can boast of over 800 hectares of parks and nature preserves and the largest network of walking/biking trails in North America. In winter, many of the pathways are cleared within 24 hours of snowfall and the locals spend 12 months a year enjoying outdoor life.  Calgary offers residents and visitors the best of all worlds.


  1. Quality of LifeIn 2017, the prestigious international magazine, The Economist, chose Calgary as the 5th “Most Livable” city in the world for the fifth year in a row. 140 major cities are graded on topics such as stability, culture, environment, health care, infrastructure, and education and Calgary scored 96.6 out of a possible 100 points. The editors at The Economist are merely articulating what our city residents already know – Calgary is a great place to live, work, play, enjoy nature, and raise a family.


  1. The People – The people of Calgary are its greatest resource and the city has one of the most diverse populations in Canada. Friendly, generous, hard-working, energetic, creative, and tenacious are just a few of the adjectives that come to mind in describing our people.  Calgarians love to have fun.  What starts with Stampede in July continues throughout the year.  There’s always a music or cultural festival, block party, or get together to keep everyone entertained and support the strong sense of community that permeates our many neighbourhoods.


Wind me up and I could go on all day as to why I love Calgary.

When did you first fall in love with our city and what was it that pulled you in?


Are you looking to Sell or Buy a home in Calgary and need someone who won’t rest until you’ve found your dream home or until your home is sold? I’ll work hard to earn your trust and to deliver exactly what you need. Contact me at 403-465-0210 or at

About Bryon Howard

Bryon Howard and his team of Calgary real estate professionals sell an average of two homes a week. He is a member of the MLS Million Point Club, which ranks him roughly in the top 1% of productive realtors in Calgary. His aim is not just to please clients but to help them buy/sell a home in Calgary at the best price, in the shortest time, and with the least hassle. He is a member of the RE/MAX House of Real Estate that leads in the Canadian market. Learn more about Bryon at

Spotlight on Marda Loop

Sunday, February 18th, 2018

Perhaps as much as any neighbourhood in Calgary, Marda Loop epitomizes the urban lifestyle mixed with small town vibe that Calgary’s residents love.  It is the kind of place where people can live, work, relax, eat and drink without traveling more than a few blocks from home.

This popular area is situated in Calgary’s southwest quadrant between Crowchild Trail and 19th Street SW.  As a designated Business Revitalization Zone, Marda Loop is home to more than 130 boutiques, shops and restaurants.  Over the last decade, the area centered around 33rd and 34th Avenues SW has emerged as one of the city’s most popular outdoor shopping venues.

Once upon a time, Marda Loop was home to the Marda Theatre and served as the turnaround point for a heavily-trafficked streetcar line – hence, the name “Marda Loop.”   Both the theatre and streetcar line are long gone, but the name Marda Loop survives.    The neighbourhood has weathered economic ups and downs over the years, but keeps managing to reinvent itself and attract residents and business owners.  Recently, a heavy influx of young, high-income households has contributed to the area’s energetic and dynamic feel.  A wide range of condos, townhomes and infill construction attracts homebuyers and tenants to the surrounding communities of Altadore, River Park, South Calgary and Garrison Woods.  Each of these communities is represented by the Marda Loop Communities Association – an active force in Marda Loop life for nearly sixty years.

Most residents and business owners agree that walkability is a key component of Marda Loop’s emergence as one of Calgary’s trendiest neighbourhoods.  Locals treasure the ability to get almost everywhere they want to go on foot.  Foodies appreciate the array of dining options and window shoppers can wander for hours among the many boutique-style businesses populating the neighbourhood.  Each summer, the Business Revitalization Zone plays host to a popular street festival aptly named Marda Gras.  This family-friendly, New Orleans style party attracts more than 35,000 visitors.

A strong sense of history, numerous amenities and excellent walkability combine to attract visitors and locals to Marda Loop, but ultimately, it is the small-town feel within a big city landscape that is the area’s strongest selling point.  Spend some time walking the streets, enjoying café and pub life and in very short time, everyone will know your name.


Are you looking to Sell or Buy a home in Calgary and need someone who won’t rest until you’ve found your dream home or until your home is sold? I’ll work hard to earn your trust and to deliver exactly what you need. Contact me at 403-465-0210 or at

About Bryon Howard

Bryon Howard and his team of Calgary real estate professionals sell an average of two homes a week. He is a member of the MLS Million Point Club, which ranks him roughly in the top 1% of productive realtors in Calgary. His aim is not just to please clients but to help them buy/sell a home in Calgary at the best price, in the shortest time, and with the least hassle. He is a member of the RE/MAX House of Real Estate that leads in the Canadian market. Learn more about Bryon at

Calgary Real Estate Market: Secondary Suite Is The Modern Trend

Sunday, January 28th, 2018

Over the past few years, Calgary has witnessed an ongoing, and sometimes fierce, public debate on the topic of secondary suites in single-family homes.  The debate is fueled by a number of factors, including economic and lifestyle trends that are driving the increased demand for legal secondary suites in the existing Calgary real estate housing market.

At first glance, secondary suites seem like a throwback to a bygone era when the extended family housing model was commonplace, but there is nothing old-fashioned about the secondary suites built into contemporary construction.  These apartments have everything needed for independent living and offer a great way to enjoy all the benefits of an extended family lifestyle while preserving privacy at the same time.

Owning a home with a fashionable, legal secondary suite allows families to experience the luxury of accommodating young adults and elderly family members under the same roof.  Multiple generations can live together, learn from, and support one another while retaining the ability to retreat to their own private space.

The 2016 Statistics Canada Census data shows that 1 in 3 Canadians between the ages of 20 and 34 live with their parents.  This number has been on the rise since 2001.  Housing affordability is a driving force behind the trend.  Another reason is that in an increasingly competitive job market, young adults are pursuing multiple advanced degrees before striking out on their own.   A secondary suite offers parents and children the best of all worlds and the ability to keep your loved ones close, but not too close.

On the other end of the spectrum, secondary suites are an attractive option for older adults looking to “age in place.”  Comfortable, private apartments in the homes of their children allow seniors to age comfortably and gracefully while lending a hand with child care and other family duties.  Children can rest comfortably knowing their beloved parents are right downstairs should they require assistance.  The economic benefits of reduced living expenses are shared by all.

Even the closest of families can develop a conflict with one another at times.  People can become particularly sensitive when they feel they lack privacy and a sense of independence in their lives.  Secondary suites allow families to acknowledge valid issues while offering a solution.  Whether you are 21, 81, or somewhere in between, we all need privacy and quiet time in addition to the love, support, and companionship of extended families.  Secondary suites offer a perfect solution for Calgary housing challenges confronting modern families.


Are you looking to Sell or Buy a home in Calgary and need someone who won’t rest until you’ve found your dream home or until your home is sold? I’ll work hard to earn your trust and to deliver exactly what you need. Contact me at 403-465-0210 or at

About Bryon Howard

Bryon Howard and his team of Calgary real estate professionals sell an average of two homes a week. He is a member of the MLS Million Point Club, which ranks him roughly in the top 1% of productive realtors in Calgary. His aim is not just to please clients but to help them buy/sell a home in Calgary at the best price, in the shortest time, and with the least hassle. He is a member of the RE/MAX House of Real Estate that leads in the Canadian market. Learn more about Bryon at

Selling A House in Calgary : 5 Tips for Nervous Sellers

Sunday, January 14th, 2018

You have made the big decision to sell your home and you are overflowing with excitement and anticipation; may be feeling just a little bit nervous too. It does not really matter if it’s your first time letting go of a property or not, the cycle of self-doubt will kick in.

To help your home sell quickly and for top dollar;

Here are my “Top 5 Tips” for apprehensive sellers whether you are in Calgary city or other parts of the world; these guidelines do apply:

  1. Work with an Experienced Realtor

The easiest way to banish any possibility of seller’s remorse down the road is to work with an experienced professional who understands the local market.  Knowing that you are in good hands will calm your nerves and help you sleep at night.  You have made a serious decision to sell a very large asset.  Ensure a good outcome by working with an experienced Calgary Realtor ( if you live in the city )

  1. Price it Right

Homes that are overpriced end up languishing on the market and, in the end, often sell for less than they would have if they had been priced right in the beginning.  Timing is everything in real estate and an overpriced home can easily end up costing you time and money.  Work closely with your Realtor to set the correct price at the start.

  1. Understand the Market

The real estate market is a continuum in constant motion – sometimes leaning heavily toward a buyer’s or seller’s market and oftentimes, balancing somewhere in the middle. Your Realtor can help you understand the realities (good and bad) of the market and micro-market your property is in.  It is great to dream, but you also need your expectations to remain realistic on the road to realizing those dreams.

  1. Highlight Your Home’s Strengths

We know you love your home and will be leaving with some great memories.  The challenge in selling is to do everything possible to make sure buyers see what you see and fall in love with the property. You accomplish this by emphasizing your home’s best features – both in marketing and in the presentation.  If the house has great crown molding, don’t obscure it with heavy drapery.  A beautiful façade should not be covered with overgrown foliage.  Do everything possible to make sure the home’s finest qualities shine through.

  1. Keep Your Eye on the Prize

When you decided to sell your property, you had at least one goal in mind.  Perhaps it was to free up money to invest in another property, or maybe you just wanted to rid yourself of mortgage debt.   Many sellers simply think it’s for a change in their living situation.  Whatever your motivation for selling, keep that in mind throughout the sometimes-frustrating process of selling a home.

Follow these simple tips to avoid needless anxiety, stress, and aggravation after putting up a “For Sale” sign to your property.



Are you looking to Sell or Buy a home in Calgary and need someone who won’t rest until you’ve found your dream home or until your home is sold? I’ll work hard to earn your trust and to deliver exactly what you need. Contact me at 403-465-0210 or at

About Bryon Howard

Bryon Howard and his team of Calgary real estate professionals sell an average of two homes a week. He is a member of the MLS Million Point Club, which ranks him roughly in the top 1% of productive realtors in Calgary. His aim is not just to please clients but to help them buy/sell a home in Calgary at the best price, in the shortest time, and with the least hassle. He is a member of the RE/MAX House of Real Estate that leads in the Canadian market. Learn more about Bryon at (more…)

Welcome to Calgary

Sunday, September 10th, 2017

Welcome to Calgary, the largest city in Alberta located in the south-western part of the province. Downtown can be recognized by its numerous skyscrapers. Some of these structures, such as the Calgary Tower and the Scotiabank Saddledome are truly unique and have become symbols of Calgary…

Calgary is home to the world-famous ” Calgary Exhibition and Stampede ” which bills itself as “The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth. One of the finest rodeos in the world.

Recreation is very popular with our residents the city also has a large number of urban parks and has developed one of the most extensive multi-use walking, jogging, biking and rollerblading, path systems in North America.

Our proximity to the Rocky Mountains has traditionally been a popular destination for winter sports enthusiasts.. with exciting downhill and snowboarding available.

In the summer, the Bow River is very popular among fly fishermen, Golfing is also an extremely popular activity for Calgarians with courses to challenge golfers of all skill levels.

Sports fans enjoy Football with the Stampeders, hockey with the Flames and Hitmen, Lacross with the Hitmen at the 19,000 seat Scotiabank Saddledome also a must-stop for touring artists on their international tours…

Education is exceptional, Professionally-staffed, well-equipped public, private, and parochial schools.

For higher education, there’s The University of Calgary, Mount Royal University, SAIT Polytechnic, and St Mary’s University College to name a few, training the next generation of professionals…

Health Care facilities are state of the art.

Calgary has half a dozen of the country’s most renowned hospitals including excellent specialty and outpatient centers easily accessible, along with the most advanced medical technology in the world at your disposal.

Locally, cultural opportunities are numerous. Visit Heritage Park Historical Village, Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame, Devonian Gardens one of the largest urban indoor gardens in the world, to name just a few.

Regardless of your personal religious preferences, you’ll find the right house of worship for you and your family.

The greater Calgary area is more than just friendly people living a great lifestyle… This area is HOMES… You will enjoy pleasant neighborhoods and beautiful homes… reasonably priced homes in planned communities, to spectacular homes in new developments… executive homes in elegant communities, the well-preserved older homes in mature neighborhoods, homes ideal for retirement or for raising a family…

Calgary offers an incomparable lifestyle-come and join us.



Are you looking to Sell or Buy a home in Calgary and need someone who won’t rest until you’ve found your dream home or until your home is sold? I’ll work hard to earn your trust and to deliver exactly what you need. Contact me at 403-465-0210 or at

About Bryon Howard

Bryon Howard and his team of Calgary real estate professionals sell an average of two homes a week. He is a member of the MLS Million Point Club, which ranks him roughly in the top 1% of productive realtors in Calgary. His aim is not just to please clients but to help them buy/sell a home in Calgary at the best price, in the shortest time, and with the least hassle. He is a member of the RE/MAX House of Real Estate that leads in the Canadian market. Learn more about Bryon at

Why Victoria is a Great Place to Live

Sunday, June 25th, 2017

Natural beauty, good weather and a highly-coveted lifestyle are just a few of the reasons Victoria is a great place to live. The city manages to combine old world charm and ambience with ultra-modern amenities in a seductive island setting. A 2016 Conde Nest Traveler reader’s poll chose Vancouver Island, where Victoria is situated, as “the Top Island” in the continental U.S.A. and Canada, as well as one of the “Best Islands in the World.” In 2015, Travel & Leisure named Victoria one of the “Top 10” cities in North America. The Conde Nest readers understand what Victoria residents and repeat visitors have known all along – Victoria is hard to beat!

The city offers four seasons of fun and outdoor activity. Due to the sub-Mediterranean climate, gardens bloom in early Spring and last long into Autumn. The views in and around the outskirts of town are magnificent. Golf, hiking and cycling are year-round activities here. A rich British lineage is apparent not only it the city’s name, but in its impressive Victorian and Edwardian architecture, stately homes and gardens, tea rooms and horse-drawn carriages.

With a vibrant downtown center surrounded by huge areas of undeveloped wilderness and azure blue harbour waters, Victoria is home to more than 80,000 residents enjoying an enviable quality of life. The technology industry has a strong foothold in the city and employs upwards of 15,000 people. Tourism is another major business, contributing more than a billion dollars per year to an already healthy economy.

Anyone thinking of relocating to Victoria or just coming for a visit should think about timing their trip to coincide with one of the city’s music and cultural festivals that dot the calendar. Theatre lovers will enjoy the late summer Fringe Festival which hosts 50 different productions spread over 17 venues. There are music, dance and art festivals along with beer fests, Celtic festivals and Scottish Highland games.

The real estate market in Victoria is HOT and is expected to remain so throughout 2017. Homebuyers have a variety of housing options to choose from, including many newer single-family homes with income-producing secondary suites.

Victoria is a city where you can play golf in the morning, ski in the afternoon and still be home before dark. Come for the weather, come for one of our festivals, or just come to enjoy a taste of our unique brand of island life. History, culture and opportunities for adventure await your arrival!


Are you looking to Sell or Buy a home in Calgary and need someone who won’t rest until you’ve found your dream home or until your home is sold? I’ll work hard to earn your trust and to deliver exactly what you need. Contact me at 403-465-0210 or at


About Bryon Howard

Bryon Howard and his team of Calgary real estate professionals sell an average of two homes a week. He is a member of the MLS Million Point Club, which ranks him roughly in the top 1% of productive realtors in Calgary. His aim is not just to please clients but to help them buy/sell a home in Calgary at the best price, in the shortest time, and with the least hassle. He is a member of the RE/MAX House of Real Estate that leads in the Canadian market. Learn more about Bryon at

Bryon Howard, RE/MAX House of Real Estate
20, 2439 54 Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta, T3E 1M4
Tel: 403-287-3880 (Re/Max) or 403-475-7368 (office) Fax: 403-287-3876 or 403-276-8049 (office)
The data included on this website is deemed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed to be accurate by the Calgary Real Estate Board
Trademarks used under license from CREA