Archive for the ‘Real Estate Advice’ Category

Are Millennials Leading a Revolution in Housing Trends?

Sunday, April 3rd, 2016

re Millennials Leading a Revolution in Housing Trends

For years now, economists and social scientists have been warning us that the millennial generation holds the power to transform society’s values and political base in ways we have not yet even imagined.   This demographic group can exert inordinate influence through the sheer power of their educated numbers combined with their familiarity and comfort with the use of digital media and technology.  Generation Y is already recognized as a force to be reckoned with in the workplace and in consumer marketing. When it comes to lifestyle choices and real estate, the millennials are already beginning to flex their collective muscle.

For as long as most of us can remember, it was the dream of every Canadian to own their own home.  After school, you rented with room mates for a while before graduating to your own apartment or condo and eventually moving up to a single family home in the suburbs with a partner or spouse.  Millennials are taking this well-worn paradigm and turning it over onto its head.

After being forced to rent under the weight of crippling student debt and wildly-inflated housing prices, this diverse demographic sector of our society is now embracing the hand that was dealt them and choosing to rent rather than own a home.  In their trend-setting migration back to downtown rentals in city centres, the millennials are not alone.  They are joined by a vast cross section of the population, including their baby boomer relatives who are following the same path in droves.

The new renters are embracing the flexibility and mobility that renting offers.  In addition to making it easier to pull up stakes and accept a job opportunity across the country, renting affords apartment dwellers the luxury of knowing exactly how much they will need for housing costs each month.  Leaking pipes and broken furnaces are the landlord’s headache – not theirs.  Today’s urban renters want a comfortable and safe home with nice amenities but they are willing to sacrifice square footage and potential equity to free up money for travel and recreation.

For property owners, investors and real estate professionals, it is time to take notice of the millennial driven movement toward renting vs. owning. It is a trend that appears to have staying power and may revolutionize the residential real estate market.

Are  you looking to Sell or Buy a home in Calgary and need someone who won’t rest until you’ve found your dream home or until your home is sold? I’ll work hard to earn your trust and to deliver exactly what you need. Contact me at 403-589-0004 or at

About Bryon Howard

Bryon Howard and his team of Calgary real estate professionals sell an average of two homes a week. He is a member of the MLS Million Point Club, which ranks him roughly in the top 1% of productive realtors in Calgary. His aim is not just to please clients but to help them buy/sell a home in Calgary at the best price, in the shortest time, and with the least hassle. He is a member of the RE/MAX House of Real Estate that leads in the Canadian market. Learn more about Bryon at

The Rise of Purpose Built Revenue Properties

Sunday, February 21st, 2016

The Rise of Purpose Built Revenue Properties

The real estate landscape in North America is in the midst of an historical shift. The era of the coveted McMansion is quickly coming to an end. Today’s pool of home buyers have an entirely different set of priorities than their parents when it comes to housing – with the most notable difference being that many are not buyers at all and they will probably not become buyers in the foreseeable future. They are renters and they are here to stay!

The Calgary real estate market serves as a perfect backdrop for the shifting landscape. Canada’s young population includes 7-9 million residents classified as millennials. While they are by no means the only demographic group turning their back on home ownership, they are definitely the most influential.

Perceptive buyers looking to build wealth for their own retirement know that investment in purpose built revenue property stands out as one of the safest and most lucrative vehicles available to investors in today’s volatile world.   In addition to the social and economic trends fueling the shift, recent changes to Calgary’s by-laws have further served to fan the flames by making it easier and more cost-effective to construct a purpose built revenue property.

While the nation’s Liberal Party platform embraces purpose built rental housing as a means to provide all Canadians with access to affordable housing, low-income residents are not the only sector of the population in search of a good rental. Large groups of residents from all income strata are moving toward renting as a lifestyle choice and investors looking for the best returns are wise to target housing geared toward the upper middle layers of the rental market. The best rental property to invest in is priced to attract this group, located in a desirable neighbourhood and constructed of good materials with low maintenance and durability in mind.

Investing in a purpose built revenue property in Calgary, as opposed to condominium or a REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust), affords the individual investor direct control of the asset, low maintenance, freedom from condo fees and bothersome boards, monthly residual income and the opportunity to realize appreciation in Canada’s strongest real estate market.

My advice for any serious real estate investor in Calgary is to start crunching numbers with a knowledgeable Realtor and do not miss the opportunity to profit from this seismic shift in the real estate landscape.

Are  you looking to Sell or Buy a home in Calgary and need someone who won’t rest until you’ve found your dream home or until your home is sold? I’ll work hard to earn your trust and to deliver exactly what you need. Contact me at 403-589-0004 or at

About Bryon Howard

Bryon Howard and his team of Calgary real estate professionals sell an average of two homes a week. He is a member of the MLS Million Point Club, which ranks him roughly in the top 1% of productive realtors in Calgary. His aim is not just to please clients but to help them buy/sell a home in Calgary at the best price, in the shortest time, and with the least hassle. He is a member of the RE/MAX House of Real Estate that leads in the Canadian market. Learn more about Bryon at

Explore Calgary Rental Segment: How It Works as Long-Term Investment

Sunday, January 24th, 2016

Calgary Revene Properties Generating Immediate Retutrns

What do you think of an investment that comes with the promise of long-term appreciation plus an immediate return?

It sounds like it may be worth looking into – right?

With interest rates at an all-time low and stocks and bonds seesawing between volatility and the doldrums, real estate investment has emerged once again as a reliable vehicle for those seeking to build wealth. It is the rental market in specific that is enjoying a renaissance of sorts. For a number of reasons, urban dwellers are drifting away from homeownership and toward the rental market.

For the first time in several decades, investors in Calgary real estate with a focus on the rental segment are realizing an immediate income stream while building equity at the same time. This is due largely to the low cost of borrowing money combined with high rental rates, low vacancy rates, and societal changes that are pulling people back toward city centers. The result is that thousands of renters are now living in single-family homes or owner-occupied single-family homes with brand new secondary suites.

On top of the economic and social conditions that favor the growth of the rental market, the City of Calgary has recently enacted building code changes that make it easier to create a secondary suite or legalize an existing suite. Many homeowners are using income from secondary suites to pay down their mortgage, supplement monthly income, and help elderly relatives and young adults in need of a private, but affordable space.

In doing so, they are also building equity and adding to the value of their property at the same time. Others are purchasing a second investment property and using the revenue from the investment property to pay down the mortgage on their residence.

To illustrate how this works, let us take the real-life example of a brand new Highland Park property valued at $750,000 with a $562,500 mortgage balance to see how the presence of a walkout rental suite together with the main house rental generates immediate value for the property owner.


Building Summary:

Completed Value of Home $750,000

Deposit $187,500

Mortgage Balance $562,500


Rental Summary:

Main House Rental (3 bedrooms 2.5 bath with garage) $2400/mo     

Walkout Rental (2 bedrooms, 1 bath with garage) $1600/mo.   


Expense Summary:
Mortgage @2.8% $2,808/mo.
Taxes $360/mo
Management Fee $100/mo
TOTALS: $4,000/mo $3,268/mo
Net to Owner $732/mo $8,788/year


Combine this $8788 annual income stream with a mortgage principal pay down equal to $16,000 and a modest assumption of 1.5% annual appreciation and this property owner can boast of an investment yielding a 19% annual return – a healthy number by any standard!

If you are interested in becoming a real estate investor or if you are already an investor looking to enhance the value of your existing assets, work with an experienced Calgary Realtor. Returns like this sometimes only around only once in a lifetime. Do not wait too long.

Are you looking to Sell or Buy a home in Calgary and need someone who won’t rest until you’ve found your dream home or until your home is sold? I’ll work hard to earn your trust and to deliver exactly what you need. Contact me at 403-589-0004 or at

About Bryon Howard

Bryon Howard and his team of Calgary real estate professionals sell an average of two homes a week. He is a member of the MLS Million Point Club, which ranks him roughly in the top 1% of productive realtors in Calgary. His aim is not just to please clients but to help them buy/sell a home in Calgary at the best price, in the shortest time, and with the least hassle. He is a member of the RE/MAX House of Real Estate that leads in the Canadian market. Learn more about Bryon at

The Importance of Curb Appeal

Sunday, January 10th, 2016

The Importance of Curb Appeal

Potential buyers may be visiting numerous properties on a Saturday afternoon. As a seller, your first priority is to get them in the door. If your house’s curb appeal is not eye catching, they may simply decide not to stop at all. Your home’s curb appeal will always set the tone for what potential buyers expect when they first walk inside.

Most people’s buying decisions are based on emotional responses and the curb appeal starts the love affair or will end it before they even walk in. This doesn’t mean you have to completely overhaul the outside of your home for it to sell. Just pick a few exterior home improvements that will have the most impact and go from there.

Here are a few tips to add some curb appeal for your home to achieve a higher market value.

1. Add planters

Adding planters can go a long way toward creating the perception of a well-kept home. Planters can add colour to a porch or patio and are quit eye-catching.

2. Spruce up your driveway

The driveway is one of the first things a buyer will see, so it’s a good idea to freshen it up. Adding a sealer can refresh a tired driveway and is an inexpensive makeover that can be accomplished in a short time by almost anyone.

3. Create a welcoming porch

An empty porch can look stark and cold. If you have a porch large enough to accommodate furniture, set up a nice table or a bistro set for dining and lounging. It’s also a good idea to add some colour with plants in containers.

4. Repaint

Giving the exterior of your home a fresh coat of paint can do wonders for curb appeal. Try painting your house in the colour of homes in a more expensive neighbourhood. It’s a great way to create the perception of quality while doing something you probably already should have done.

5. Spring for new accent pieces

Adding a new mailbox, house light or house number is a cheap and cheerful way of updating your home’s exterior. Shops like Walmart and Canadian Tire usually stock simple yet stylish, well-priced options for these items.

Other simple things you can do are putting a fresh coat of paint on the front door, mowing the lawn, trimming the bushes, cleaning the windows, sidings and gutters, and add a wreath to the door to enhance that welcoming feeling.

Are  you looking to Sell or Buy a home in Calgary and need someone who won’t rest until you’ve found your dream home or until your home is sold? I’ll work hard to earn your trust and to deliver exactly what you need. Contact me at 403-589-0004 or at

About Bryon Howard

Bryon Howard and his team of Calgary real estate professionals sell an average of two homes a week. He is a member of the MLS Million Point Club, which ranks him roughly in the top 1% of productive realtors in Calgary. His aim is not just to please clients but to help them buy/sell a home in Calgary at the best price, in the shortest time, and with the least hassle. He is a member of the RE/MAX House of Real Estate that leads in the Canadian market. Learn more about Bryon at

Calgary’s Purpose-Built Rental Properties & The Ever-Changing Real Estate Landscape

Sunday, December 27th, 2015

The Changing Tide for Investors - Purpose Built Rental Properties

One of the secrets of successful investing is the ability to identify market trends well in advance of the curve to maintain a competitive position. Here is one historical trend that perceptive real estate investors have been following for some time now. Those who have been paying attention realize that the cult of homeownership no longer rules the real estate landscape. Gone are the days when renters can be ignored. There are far too many of them to ignore.

All across North America, the millennial generation is changing the face of the game when it comes to homeownership. For the most part, it simply does not interest them. Many cannot afford to buy in Calgary, and others who can afford to purchase a home are instead choosing to rent to maintain mobility and free up disposable income for travel and recreational pursuits. They do not wish to be tied down to the responsibilities associated with mortgages and homeownership.

These young millennial workers, along with their baby boomer parents, continue to question the suburban lifestyle and flock toward urban centers like Calgary. The trend is led by millennials but reaches across all demographic lines.   In response to this repositioning, developers and investors need to shift some focus away from condos and single-family homes and move toward purpose-built, multi-family rental housing.

Given today’s low mortgage interest rates and Calgary’s real estate market’s high-rental rates, the time is perfect for investors to capitalize on properties that offer positive cash flow and return on investment. Calgary’s residential rental properties are the ideal investment vehicle for anyone seeking immediate returns in an uncertain economic environment. Even those who already own home might wish to consider investing in a two-family home with sufficient rental income to help pay down the mortgage on their own home.

Former single-family homes converted into two legal dwellings make for attractive investments in Calgary where the average rental on a two-bedroom apartment rose nearly 6% last year. Remember also that a developer or owner profits on the sale of a condo or detached home only once while they hold the potential to profit on the rental of the same property for perpetuity.

The trends sparked by the millennial generation will influence the real estate industry for many years to come and continue to reposition rental properties in the real estate hierarchy. Work with your Realtor to see if investment in purpose-built rental housing makes sense for you.

Are you looking to Sell or Buy a home in Calgary and need someone who won’t rest until you’ve found your dream home or until your home is sold? I’ll work hard to earn your trust and to deliver exactly what you need. Contact me at 403-589-0004 or at

About Bryon Howard

Bryon Howard and his team of Calgary real estate professionals sell an average of two homes a week. He is a member of the MLS Million Point Club, which ranks him roughly in the top 1% of productive realtors in Calgary. His aim is not just to please clients but to help them buy/sell a home in Calgary at the best price, in the shortest time, and with the least hassle. He is a member of the RE/MAX House of Real Estate that leads in the Canadian market. Learn more about Bryon at

Understanding Real Property Reports

Sunday, November 22nd, 2015

Understanding Real Property Reports

Before you list a property for sale in Alberta, it is important to understand that you are going to need an RPR. What exactly is an RPR? An RPR or Real Property Report is a plan or survey of the property that shows the location of all improvements on the property as they are situated in relation to the property’s boundary lines. The Alberta Land Surveyors Association states that the RPR should include a “written statement detailing the surveyor’s opinions and concerns” and “can be relied upon by the buyer, the seller, the lender and the municipality as an accurate representation of the improvements on your property.”

An RPR is required upon the sale of real property to ensure that the land and improvements comply with all municipal by-laws. In Calgary, upon receipt of an updated RPR, the city will review its records and, if everything is in order, issue a Certificate of Compliance stating that all improvements, including the house, sheds, decks and fences, are in compliance with all municipal regulations, including local setback requirements.

The Alberta Real Estate Association’s standard form of purchase contract states that a RPR is the obligation of the seller and should reflect the “current state of improvements on the property.” Municipalities and attorneys throughout Alberta tend to differ in their interpretation of this obligation. Everyone, however, seems to agree that the failure to provide an up-to-date RPR in a timely manner is a leading cause of closing delays.

To avoid this scenario, it is good practice to order an updated RPR as soon as the property is listed for sale. If there have been no changes to the property since the date of the original RPR, then the old one may suffice. If updates and modifications to the property need to be reflected, it makes sense to save time and money by contacting the land surveyor who prepared the original RPR to handle the update.   The important thing is to make sure all sides are in agreement and advance the process as soon as possible to avoid costly, stress-inducing delays.

RPRs have been in use in Alberta since 1987. Any homeowner who purchased property after that date should have one in their files. If you are having trouble locating an old RPR, you can try to obtain a copy through the current lender on the property or through the lawyer’s offices that represented the buyer and seller in the original transaction.

An RPR is a visual snapshot in time of a particular property and it provides everyone involved in the conveyance with valuable knowledge regarding encroachments, setback violations, chain of title issues, mislocated fencing and a myriad of other possible concerns. If you are a seller, make sure your RPR is up-to-date and reflects the current state of affairs on your property. If you are a buyer, rely upon your Realtor and lawyer to interpret the RPR and advise you of potential issues that might impact your closing and use and enjoyment of the property.

Are  you looking to Sell or Buy a home in Calgary and need someone who won’t rest until you’ve found your dream home or until your home is sold? I’ll work hard to earn your trust and to deliver exactly what you need. Contact me at 403-589-0004 or at

About Bryon Howard

Bryon Howard and his team of Calgary real estate professionals sell an average of two homes a week. He is a member of the MLS Million Point Club, which ranks him roughly in the top 1% of productive realtors in Calgary. His aim is not just to please clients but to help them buy/sell a home in Calgary at the best price, in the shortest time, and with the least hassle. He is a member of the RE/MAX House of Real Estate that leads in the Canadian market. Learn more about Bryon at

Why You Should Buy a New Construction Home

Monday, September 28th, 2015

Why You Should Buy a New Construction Home

When you’re ready to buy a home, there is definitely something very appealing about choosing a brand new home. With a new home you get to pick out the countertops, finishes and so much more – basically have it designed just the way you like it. New houses often come with more space and better appliances, require less immediate renovation work, and are more energy-efficient than older ones — and all at a competitive price.

New developments are continuing to pop up all over the city, so buying a new construction home in Calgary is fast becoming a great option for prospective home buyers. Before undergoing the process you should be aware of the how buying a new construction home is different from buying a resale home. First of all, you typically won’t have the opportunity to walk through the home before you sign on the dotted line.  Most brand new homes are purchased using specs and a floor plan, the house won’t be built for a few months or more.

In Calgary, new homes are covered by the Alberta’s New Home Warranty Act.  The warranty will protect new home owners if upon completion, your new home has any deficiencies with the workmanship or materials.  It also applies to both houses and condominiums, and typically the standard coverage lasts for up to five years after you take possession.  The foundation of the home needs a year or two to settle so structural issues may not be discovered early on. As the foundation of your new home settles, you will be able to tell if there are any issues that need to be addressed, and have them dealt with at no additional cost as it is covered under warranty.

With a new home comes the ability to purchase upgrades such as top of the line appliances or better finishes. This is a great opportunity for buyers to get what they want while working within their budget. Upgrades can become costly, so it’s a great idea to work with an experienced Realtor to negotiate your behalf.

It’s my role to help buyers make sure they are getting the best value for every dollar they spend. If buying pre-construction is something you’ve been thinking about make sure you and your realtor do your research on potential builders and developers. Basically, don’t buy a house — buy its builder. As an expert in the Calgary real estate market, I have the knowledge and the negotiating skills to help you find the home of your dreams.

Are  you looking to Sell or Buy a home in Calgary and need someone who won’t rest until you’ve found your dream home or until your home is sold? I’ll work hard to earn your trust and to deliver exactly what you need. Contact me at 403-589-0004 or at

About Bryon Howard

Bryon Howard and his team of Calgary real estate professionals sell an average of two homes a week. He is a member of the MLS Million Point Club, which ranks him roughly in the top 1% of productive realtors in Calgary. His aim is not just to please clients but to help them buy/sell a home in Calgary at the best price, in the shortest time, and with the least hassle. He is a member of the RE/MAX House of Real Estate that leads in the Canadian market. Learn more about Bryon at

Calgary Market Update – Consumer Confidence Remains High

Sunday, September 20th, 2015

Calgary Market Update – Consumer Confidence Remains High

Despite the undeniable impact of energy industry woes on Canada’s real estate market, overall property values in Calgary have not suffered any significant impact.  Even more importantly, consumer confidence remains high.

In the Calgary Real Estate Board’s (CREB) August 4, 2015 report entitled Calgary Regional Housing Market Statistics, Chief Economist Ann-Marie Lurie reports, “Despite weaker absorption rates, market conditions remain relatively balanced and helped maintain month-over-month stability in benchmark prices, which remained unchanged from the previous month at $455,400….And despite the recent retraction, we have not seen all those previous gains eroded.”

In a city as diverse as Calgary, market conditions will, of course, vary in different market sectors and neighbourhoods.  CREB President Corinne Lyall notes, “…it’s important to stay current and become educated with the market dynamics in the communities where they may be making real estate decisions.”  For instance, despite the overall steady numbers in residential sales, the apartment sector has experienced a slight but noticeable dip in value (1.61%) from the beginning of the year, due to decreased demand and expanding inventory.

Another important economic indicator to focus on is new home starts.  Applications to pull permits for single and multi-family dwellings plummeted in July and are down by 31% and 24%, respectively, since the start of the year.  While the pullback will help to maintain market balance by limiting the pool of available housing inventory, it also reflects the overall uncertainty with the economy and unemployment.

In CREB’s Mid-Year Update to its 2015 Economic Outlook and Regional Housing Forecast, the editors stress the fact that despite the cloud of economic uncertainty hanging over Calgary, consumer confidence in the prospects for real estate investment remain high.  “Positive long-term prospects and reduced concerns about the bottom falling out in the near term could minimize the pullback in demand, keeping market conditions in relatively balanced territory and preventing further aggregate price declines.”

Are  you looking to Sell or Buy a home in Calgary and need someone who won’t rest until you’ve found your dream home or until your home is sold? I’ll work hard to earn your trust and to deliver exactly what you need. Contact me at 403-589-0004 or at

About Bryon Howard

Bryon Howard and his team of Calgary real estate professionals sell an average of two homes a week. He is a member of the MLS Million Point Club, which ranks him roughly in the top 1% of productive realtors in Calgary. His aim is not just to please clients but to help them buy/sell a home in Calgary at the best price, in the shortest time, and with the least hassle. He is a member of the RE/MAX House of Real Estate that leads in the Canadian market. Learn more about Bryon at

What Ultra-Low Mortgage Rates Mean For Homeowners

Sunday, July 19th, 2015

What Ultra-Low Mortgage Rates Mean For Homeowners

Canada’s low mortgage rates have been in the news for so long that they have essentially become the norm.  The 18 percent plus rates of the 1980’s are ancient history.  It seems that we have become so accustomed to cheap money, that we have forgotten that it might be temporary and just maybe, it may also become a thing of the past.  Although the Bank of Canada hasn’t given us any indication of a rate increase in the immediate future, it’s still important to use our (borrowed) money wisely and plan for the future.  After all, most of us are locked into 25-year mortgages, and we know just how much change can occur over two and half decades.

Be aware of how much a change in interest rates will affect your housing costs.  To put things in perspective, a $350,000 mortgage would cost the average buyer $1570 per money at a borrowing rate of 2.5%.  If rates went up just 1%, the same mortgage would cost $1750 per month.  That’s a $180 difference.  What’s even more significant is that same 1% increase would add an additional $54,600 to your cost of borrowing over the lifespan of your mortgage.

Take advantage without over extending yourself.  It’s hard to predict what will happen to interest rates over the next few years.  Even some of Canada’s most educated economists were surprised when the overnight rate went down instead of up.  That being said, it’s a wise idea to be prepared for a rate increase.  If your mortgage renews at a higher rate at the end of your current term, what will it mean for your household budget?  Do you expect your income to be the same, or are you planning on starting a family?  Talk to your mortgage professional about your long term plans so they can choose a financing option that meets your needs.

Take advantage of your pre-payment options.  The best way to protect yourself against a future rate increase is to decrease the size of your mortgage.  Some mortgages allow you to increase your payments each month, or make a lump sum payment up to a certain percentage of the balance.  In most cases, it makes more sense to tackle your higher interest debt first, but if your credit cards are clear, you will never regret knocking a few thousand dollars off your mortgage.  Remember, the quicker you pay it off, the more you will save in interest over the long haul, and that could amount to tens of thousands of dollars in savings.

Are  you looking to Sell or Buy a home in Calgary and need someone who won’t rest until you’ve found your dream home or until your home is sold? I’ll work hard to earn your trust and to deliver exactly what you need. Contact me at 403-589-0004 or at

About Bryon Howard

Bryon Howard and his team of Calgary real estate professionals sell an average of two homes a week. He is a member of the MLS Million Point Club, which ranks him roughly in the top 1% of productive realtors in Calgary. His aim is not just to please clients but to help them buy/sell a home in Calgary at the best price, in the shortest time, and with the least hassle. He is a member of the RE/MAX House of Real Estate that leads in the Canadian market. Learn more about Bryon at

Selling Your Home in a Challenging Real Estate Market

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

Selling Your Home in a Challenging Real Estate Market

As anticipated, home sales in Calgary Market Information were much slower this spring compared to last year. Inventory remains very high, and buyers continue to exercise caution. Despite the surplus, property values have remained strong. The Calgary Real Estate Board reported that the average price in April was only down 1.04% over the prior year. This is good news for homeowners that are continuing to build equity as they pay down their mortgage.

It’s safe to say that the rock bottom interest rates have played a key role in keeping buyers active in the market. To put things in perspective, the Bank of Montreal is currently offering a 5-year fixed mortgage rate at just 2.74%. This means a $300,000 mortgage, amortized over 25 years, would only cost $1,380 per month. For many families with some savings in the bank, buying a home is still more affordable than renting.

If you are thinking of making a move this year, a smart pricing strategy has never been more important. Buyers in this market have plenty to choose from, so they are more likely to steer clear of an overpriced property. That’s not to say you need to sell yourself short. The latest CREA numbers are proof that Calgary’s home values are strong and sellers can expect a fair offer if their home is priced well.

It’s equally important to align yourself with a Realtor who can put together a selling strategy that works for your property and neighbourhood. The numbers demonstrate what is happening in the city as a whole, but the market trends vary from one area to another. The size and style of your home can also make a difference. According to the Calgary Herald, detached bungalows have increased in value by nearly 4%.

As always, proper staging, enhanced curb appeal and cleanliness go a long way in setting your home apart from the competition. Preparing your home for the market isn’t always easy, but a little extra effort can go a long way and pay off big when it comes to appealing to the right buyer.

Are  you looking to Sell or Buy a home in Calgary and need someone who won’t rest until you’ve found your dream home or until your home is sold? I’ll work hard to earn your trust and to deliver exactly what you need. Contact me at 403-589-0004 or at

About Bryon Howard

Bryon Howard and his team of Calgary real estate professionals sell an average of two homes a week. He is a member of the MLS Million Point Club, which ranks him roughly in the top 1% of productive realtors in Calgary. His aim is not just to please clients but to help them buy/sell a home in Calgary at the best price, in the shortest time, and with the least hassle. He is a member of the RE/MAX House of Real Estate that leads in the Canadian market. Learn more about Bryon at

Bryon Howard, RE/MAX House of Real Estate
20, 2439 54 Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta, T3E 1M4
Tel: 403-287-3880 (Re/Max) or 403-475-7368 (office) Fax: 403-287-3876 or 403-276-8049 (office)
The data included on this website is deemed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed to be accurate by the Calgary Real Estate Board
Trademarks used under license from CREA