Archive for the ‘Tips’ Category

How to Stay Safe in your Home, Sweet Home

Thursday, September 26th, 2013
How to stay safe in your home, sweet home

Keeping your home safe and sound (photo courtesy of APM Alex)


When I sell people a home, I want them to be happy and safe there day after day. Of course we can’t control everything, but we can do a lot to secure our homes and to lessen our risks. Below is a short list I made to help you keep safe in your new home.

Don’t be an easy target for burglars.

Every house comes with a lot of standard safety features to protect you and your family. Use them! Make sure your gate, doors and windows (including the basement window) are securely locked. If your newly bought house has a keypad, change the code as soon as you move in and every six months thereafter. (People selling or leasing their home and are listing it with a realtor must use a lockbox and never disclose the keypad code.)

If you don’t have perimeter lights around your home, install them and keep them on at night.

Get an alarm. If your dog’s bark is your alarm, always pay attention. But never get a guard dog as your family’s pet, as its instinct is to attack.

Get a door chain and peephole for your entrance door/s to check out visitors before you open wide the door. It’s not unknown for burglars to ring the doorbell and then attack.

Check out the Home Security and Burglaries section in the City of Calgary website for more tips on securing your home.

Keep your house structurally sound.

You should have had a home inspection before you bought your home. But remember that from then on, your home’s structural safety depends on how well you maintain it.

To protect your home from fire, floods and other natural disasters, check out this site on emergency preparedness.

Insure your home. And make sure you fully understand what risks your insurance plan covers.

Participate in risk mitigation measures in your community. You’ll be surprised how much you can do to minimize disasters if you work together! A great idea is planting more fruit-bearing trees and shrubs especially on hills to prevent soil erosion. (And fruits are yummy too! My wife is raving over a dessert she recently tasted made of seabuckthorn or buffalo berries, that grow on a beautiful shrub with silvery leaves.)

Once you’ve done everything possible to protect your home from natural risks, protect your family. Prepare an emergency kit and put it where anyone in the family can get it easily and quickly. There are available emergency kits from the Red Cross that contain all the supplies you will need for floods, earthquakes and other calamities.

Following these simple tips will let you fully enjoy your new home and give you many happy memories there. Have any more tips to share?

Are  you looking to Sell or Buy a home in Calgary and need someone who won’t rest until you’ve found your dream home or until your home is sold? I’ll work hard to earn your trust and to deliver exactly what you need. Contact me at 403-589-0004 or at

About Bryon Howard

and his team of Calgary real estate professionals sell an average of two homes a week. He is a member of the MLS Million Point Club, which ranks him roughly in the top 2% of productive realtors in Calgary. His aim is not just to please clients but to help them buy/sell a home in Calgary at the best price, in the shortest time, and with the least hassle. He is a member of the RE/MAX House of Real Estate that leads in the Canadian market. Learn more about Bryon at

My 18-Point Plan of Action for Selling a Home

Tuesday, September 10th, 2013
My 18-Point Action Plan

Planning for success (Photo courtesy of Tatiana12)

All real estate agents promise to sell a home fast and at top dollar, but how will you know upfront who can really deliver? Well, a promise is just a promise unless one has a plan of action for achieving it; and then you’ll know who really knows what he’s talking about. What’s more, an agent with a clear plan can be held accountable for what he says he’ll do, every step of the way! Those are exactly what my team had in mind when we developed an 18-point plan of action for selling homes, and it has helped us sell an average of two houses a week for the past two years! Eighteen steps make for a pretty long plan, but they should tell you loud and clear that we do everything possible to sell a home fast and at the highest possible price.

You’ll find our full 18-point plan here, but we’ve grouped the 18 steps into just three big ones because they’re really as simple as these!

We’ll get your home as ready as it can be to realize its full market potential.

Chances are someone out there needs a home exactly like yours and will be happy to pay you what it’s worth to him, but you’ll need to be able to find him and let him know as clear as day that your home has the features he wants. So first, we’ll highlight what we know most people want in a home like yours. And if your home can use some improvements to make it more saleable or to jack up its price, we’ll suggest what changes you can make to it. Then we’ll help you price your home strategically to open the market for it or to invite higher bids.

We won’t rest until we sell your home.

When we’re sure we’ve done everything we could to make your home as attractive as it can be to buyers, we’ll lose no time and leave no stone unturned to find your best buyer! We’ll submit your home to our local Multiple Listing Service to make sure everyone knows you’re selling it; promote it at our company sales meeting to get our entire team on board; fax a feature sheet to the top 40 agents in the marketplace for their potential buyers; contact our buyer leads, centers of influence and past clients for their referrals, and prospective buyers directly, over the next seven days, and prospect for at least two hours a day and talk to at least 20 people a day to look for potential buyers (we surely won’t be sitting on the job!); catch even casual passersby through a professional sign and lock-box in front of your home; and when possible, have cooperating agents in the area tour your home.

We’ll relieve you of all the stress – Relax!

We know your life doesn’t stop when you’re selling your home, so we’ll make sure you won’t get stressed. We’ll follow up with the salespeople who have shown your home for their feedback and response; constantly update you on any changes in the marketplace and inform you of the various methods of financing that a buyer might want to use; whenever possible, pre-qualify prospective buyers ourselves; assist you with arranging interim financing if needed; represent you on all offer presentations to negotiate the best possible price and terms; handle all the follow-ups before the contract-signing such as the mortgage, title and other closing procedures; and deliver your cheque at the closing!

The beauty of my 18-point plan of action is that you can go back to the list anytime and make sure it’s been done, so that you won’t have just pretty promises to hold on to but detailed action commitments that will give you the best assurance that you’ll get that cheque with the right price fast!

Are  you looking to Sell or Buy a home in Calgary and need someone who won’t rest until you’ve found your dream home or until your home is sold? I’ll work hard to earn your trust and to deliver exactly what you need. Contact me at 403-589-0004 or at

About Bryon Howard

Bryon Howard and his team of Calgary real estate professionals sell an average of two homes a week. He is a member of the MLS Million Point Club, which ranks him roughly in the top 2% of productive realtors in Calgary. His aim is not just to please clients but to help them buy/sell a home in Calgary at the best price, in the shortest time, and with the least hassle. He is a member of the RE/MAX House of Real Estate that leads in the Canadian market. Learn more about Bryon at

Vacations 101: Sometimes Glitches Are the Most Fun!

Monday, September 2nd, 2013
Sailing in the Bahamas

Sailing in the Bahamas © Some rights reserved by T Hall

Everyone loves vacations. In fact vacation photos are the staples in FB pages! I especially love going on vacations yearly with my wife and two kids, even if it’s just back to the Maritimes, to take a break from life as a Calgary real estate agent.

But we had one particular vacation that’s as fresh in my mind as if it happened yesterday—that one that took us to The Abacos Islands in the Bahamas.

“Oh sure, the Bahamas,” you’d think, “Who’d forget it?” Well true enough, the sea and the sky there couldn’t be bluer, the more than 2,000 islands greener, and the beach sand whiter or in some cases, more pink than any pink-sand beach you’ve ever seen.

So we rented a 39′ sailboat and sailed off to sea. I have been on the water all my life … but mostly in smaller 16′ Catamarans and Sea Kayaks. I hadn’t take any formal courses on sailing but I consider myself a bit of a sailor. I convinced the charter company that I had sufficient experience – and took the helm. But almost an hour later, my kids wondered why they could still see the bottom of the sea. I told them, “Oh, it’s just the beautiful crystal-clear waters of the Caribbean; don’t worry.” But five to 10 minutes later, we hit sand, the tide went out and we were stranded for six hours on an island! Great sailor, me! Oh, but my family was so much fun. We had a wonderful time snorkeling and we even had a picnic. In the meantime, I tried hard not to feel too embarrassed. Then the tide came back and the charter owner/operator came in a powerboat and pulled us off. Lucky for us, we didn’t hit a rocky bottom but a sandy one, so the boat had no damage.

I realized a number of things from that vacation. Here are the ones I remember best.

  1. Take sailing classes.
  2. Listen to your crew.
  3. Stay alert to be safe.


When things go wrong, relax! You can always turn potential disasters into the funniest and most unforgettable memories. Remember, happiness or enjoyment is not really a feeling or an experience that comes to us given the right external conditions, but a state of mind. So cherish each moment, and don’t plan too much because sometimes it’s the unexpected things that are the most fun!

Are  you looking to Sell or Buy a home in Calgary and need someone who won’t rest until you’ve found your dream home or until your home is sold? I’ll work hard to earn your trust and to deliver exactly what you need. Contact me at 403-589-0004 or at


About Bryon Howard

Bryon Howard and his team of Calgary real estate professionals sell an average of one home a week. He is a member of the MLS Million Point Club, which ranks him roughly in the top 1% of productive realtors in Calgary. His aim is not just to please clients but to help them buy/sell a home in Calgary at the best price, in the shortest time, and with the least hassle. He is a member of the RE/MAX House of Real Estate that leads in the Canadian market. Learn more about Bryon at

Altadore Real Estate Update: See you at the 2013 Marda Gras Festival!

Saturday, August 10th, 2013
Altadore real estate,Altadore homes for sale,Altadore houses for sale

Image resource:

I’m finding it a bit difficult to talk about Altadore real estate now with all this commotion going on around here about this year’s Marda Gras Street Festival that’s happening tomorrow, so heck, I’ll just join the fun! For those of you who are wondering what this festival is all about, it’s a free one-day public event every second week of August at Marda Loop, the premier shopping center in Altadore, that’s patterned after the famous Mardi Gras street festival in New Orleans. That means Marda Loop’s streets will be filled with the sights and sounds of New Orleans, from the purple, green and gold colors to the jazz and R&B music! Oh, good – I can wear my purple socks!

There’s actually a long list of activities that will start at 10 a.m. (check them out here:, but here’s my pick of those that I think I’ll take my family to:

Street shows

This is a street festival, right? So bring on the street shows! There’ll be a magician, and someone who’ll walk with a nine-foot-tall free-standing ladder and juggle knives up there! (You won’t want to get anywhere near him, of course, but don’t worry – he’s been doing this stunt for eight years!) And there’ll be a group that will put on their unique open-air aerial art, comedy and street theater show with which they’ve been amazing audiences all over the world. Watch out too for strolling music from the Dixie Knights and the Sweet Adelines! And for art lovers, don’t miss the inflatable Art Tent where you’ll see lots of masterpieces.

On the main stage

Expect great street dancing with band music, hot swing and gypsy jazz, blues and swing from the 1920s to the 1950s, plus belly dancing and some new moves! There’ll also be the yearly popular Pet Pageant, with prizes for the Most Unique, the dog with the Best Costume, and the Crowd Favorite!

Kids Quarter

Hey, this is for kids of all ages! There’ll be face painting, a bouncy castle, crafts, games, sports and entertainment. And the organizers say all the funds that will be raised here will be used to support the projects of the Marda Loop Communities Association, so you bet we’ll be there!

Kudos to Marda Loop for putting together such a great event each year. This is one of the areas we’re very proud of here in Altadore, as it offers first-class shopping, professional services and dining, and as you can see, fantastic events!

So again, I’ll be taking a break from selling Altadore real estate (and will hop onto my trusty bike, as there’ll be an Open Streets Area for us bikers and parking would be next to impossible). And for those of you who want to catch the fun, you have until 5 p.m. tomorrow….

Know someone who is looking to make a decision in real estate? If you know any friends, family or co-workers who are looking to buy, sell or invest in real estate within the next six months, would you forward this email to them or reply with their contact information? I’ll send them important information about the Calgary, AB surrounding area real estate market and politely ask for their business. I greatly appreciate your valued referrals; it’s the only way I build my business.

About Bryon Howard

Bryon Howard is a top-producing real estate agent with Re-Max House of Real Estate in Calgary, Alberta. He is in love with his high school sweetheart, an enthusiastic Dad and crazy about endurance sports. To learn more about Bryon and his real estate tips, head on over to his website.

How far would you go to give your child a great education?

Sunday, August 4th, 2013
Altadore real estate,Altadore homes for sale,Altadore houses for sale

Image resource:

Schools are set to open again in a month’s time, which puts the spotlight at this time of the year on our children’s education.


If you’re a parent like me, you’ve probably given a lot of thought to what school to send your kids to in order to give them the best education.


You know, though, sometimes I think we look too much at the school and too little at our children.


Maybe if we looked at our children more and at what they need so that they would learn best, they’d be happier in school and later in life.


I found that out firsthand from my own children.


I have two: a 19-year-old girl and a 16-year-old boy.


They’re the reasons why I think the way I do about education.


You see, they’re out-of-the-box learners. That is, they learn differently from most.


I say that because when my daughter was already in Grade 2 in the small community in Prince Edward Island where we first lived, she still couldn’t read or do math despite my wife’s and my efforts. So in 2003, we moved to Calgary, where we thought some of the best schools in Canada were. We chose a private school for her called Calgary Academy that was just a 20-minute ride from our home in Altadore. That school took a good look at her and then taught her based on her strengths and weaknesses. It did wonders for her. Last year, she graduated from high school with high marks, and she’s now doing well in a university.


As for my son, he was in Grade 4 when we moved to Altadore. He had wanted to go to Calgary Academy too because it’s a beautiful school, but it was expensive, so we sent him to a public school instead: Altadore Elementary School. But when he was in Grade 7, he wanted to go to an inquiry-based school, a sort of public science school. Well, things didn’t work out for him there. I guess it was because the school still focused on a particular learning technique, no matter how different it was from the conventional instructional method – a technique that was good only for a specific type of learners: super-inquisitive and aggressive learners, which my son was not. So when my son was in Grade 8, we finally gave in and sent him to Calgary Academy. He did very well there and has learned so much that he has since moved back to a public school.


It surely wasn’t an easy journey for our whole family, but I believe that when you’re a parent, you shouldn’t ask yourself how far you’ll go to give your children a great education. We went cross-country, and we shelled out a lot more money than we had first planned, but we can’t be happier because our children are happy and they’re now well on their way to creating whatever future they want.


If you’re looking for information on Calgary and area schools for your children, check out

schools.htm, and


Know someone who is looking to make a decision in real estate? If you know any friends, family or co-workers who are looking to buy, sell or invest in real estate within the next six months, would you forward this email to them or reply with their contact information? I’ll send them important information about the Calgary, AB surrounding area real estate market and politely ask for their business. I greatly appreciate your valued referrals; it’s the only way I build my business.


About the author:

Bryon Howard is a top-producing real estate agent with RE/MAX House of Real Estate in Calgary, Alberta. He is in love with his high school sweetheart, an enthusiastic Dad and crazy about endurance sports. To learn more about Bryon and his real estate tips, head on over to his website.


All done cleaning up after the flood? Here’s what you might have missed…

Sunday, July 28th, 2013
Altadore real estate,Altadore homes for sale,Altadore houses for sale

Image resource:

Has it been almost six weeks since the biggest flood in Calgary’s history made all the headlines? If your house was swamped, you’ve probably done enough mud cleaning you could write a book on it. But before you move on, are you sure you’ve done everything you should? I helped haul off a lot of mud from my friends’ houses myself and have since learned some new things that could perhaps spare you a lot of headache and heartache.


Contact your utility company to make sure your appliances and electrical installations are safe to use.

Just because your appliances, electrical outlets, switch boxes, and fuse/breaker panels are dry and working now doesn’t mean they’re fine and dandy. You don’t want a fire next time, or an electrocution, or your other appliances to conk out due to a short circuit. So it’s best to do your due diligence now for your peace of mind.


Beware of mold and mildew.

A long-term effect of flooding is the growth of mold and mildew. Your wallpaper, carpet, wood walls and floorboards, ceiling tiles, and mattresses, your kids’ stuffed toys, and your books and valuable papers may seem to have dried up, but mold and mildew starts growing as fast as 24 to 48 hours after a flood and may already be growing where you can’t see it. Experts say breathing in mold spores may cause anything from mere allergic reactions to asthma attacks and deadly brain, lung, nervous and immune system conditions. So check everything very closely and think hard if those stuffed toys and books are worth keeping. Ask a lawyer if you still need to keep your original damaged documents or if you can just jot down the information written on them. And consider hiring a professional mold inspection and home restoration company just to make sure your home has no lurking health and even structural dangers. Check out and for reputable contractors.


Get ready!

We were all caught with our pants down during that flood, and we’d certainly want to be more prepared just in case there’ll be a next time. So clean all your drainages regularly, put all your electricals on higher ground, secure your valuables, prepare emergency supplies, and know your community’s flood warning and evacuation plans.


You can’t be too careful after a flood. After all that upheaval, it’s tempting to think too early that the worst is over and get on with your life. But taking the three additional steps above will help you go all the way in protecting your family and your property from the hidden dangers of water damage.


Know someone who is looking to make a decision in real estate? If you know any friends, family or co-workers who are looking to buy, sell or invest in real estate within the next six months, would you forward this email to them or reply with their contact information? I’ll send them important information about the Calgary, AB surrounding area real estate market and politely ask for their business. I greatly appreciate your valued referrals; it’s the only way I build my business.


About the author:

Bryon Howard is a top-producing real estate agent with Re-Max House of Real Estate in Calgary, Alberta. He is in love with his high school sweetheart, an enthusiastic Dad and crazy about endurance sports. To learn more about Bryon and his real estate tips, head on over to his website.


Here’s the big question after the flood: Should you stay or sell your Calgary home?

Sunday, July 21st, 2013
Altadore real estate,Altadore homes for sale,Altadore houses for sale

Image courtesy of Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee/

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” – Confucius


Calgary has certainly risen since the devastating flood a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, there are still 8,000 to 10,000 people who won’t be able live in their damaged homes for quite some time, according to CEMA director Bruce Burrell ( While the rebuilding gets underway, I have also had homeowners who were fortunately not affected by the flood ask if now is the right time to stay or should they sell.


If this is the position you find yourself in, here are some questions that could help you decide:


  • What were my plans before the flood? If you were planning on selling before the flood, re-examine the reasons. Where were you planning to move? Has that area been affected by the flooding or was it relatively unscathed? The provincial government made some announcements this weekend with regard to homes in high-risk areas, so staying on top of the latest developments may help you make an informed decision.


  • What if I stay? Calgarians don’t just sit back and wait for things to happen. This is Stampede country, and cowboys don’t give up without a good fight! So if you decide to stay, stay safe. Have your home inspected for lurking danger due to the water damage, and keep your ear to the ground on measures that are being introduced in your neighborhood to make it more resilient to flooding and other disasters.


  • What if I want to move? With the expected influx of people moving into the city to help rebuild it, upward pressure on values is expected. Subdivisions like Altadore, which is on higher ground, will likely be considered favorable to buyers. Have your home evaluated and then make a decision.


Whether you’re staying or selling, or still undecided, the Calgary flood has been an emotional time for all of us. There are no right or wrong answers if you are deciding whether to sell or not. Take your time, make informed decisions and you will make the decision that is right for you and your family.


If you know any friends, family or co-workers who are looking to buy, sell or invest in real estate within the next six months, would you forward this email to them or reply with their contact information? I’ll send them important information about the Calgary, AB surrounding area real estate market and politely ask for their business. I greatly appreciate your valued referrals; it’s the only way I build my business. 


About Bryon


Bryon Howard is a top-producing real estate agent with Re-Max House of Real Estate in Calgary, Alberta. He is in love with his high school sweetheart, an enthusiastic Dad and crazy about endurance sports. To learn more about Bryon and his real estate tips, head on over to his website.

How to be a Great Salesperson: Ideas Picked up While Doing Business in the Calgary Real Estate Scene

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013
Calgary Real Estate Market Salesman


This week, I’ll be taking a quick break from the Calgary real estate scene to attend Mike Ferry’s One-on-One Retreat, “The Art of Selling,” in San Diego, California. It’s not all sun, surf, and sand for me however. I’m constantly honing my skills and constantly keeping myself abreast with all the latest industry trends and developments. Now, I caught myself in a reflective mood and while packing my things for the trip, I thought of how, as a realtor, you could spend ALL your time attending seminars with each real estate guru offering the “Latest Magic Pill” on how to sell a lot of real estate–while sitting in your pajama’s at home doing nothing.

It’s true that while the Internet and the tools and technology have made things easier, the basics of selling, nevertheless, are what have enabled my success.

When I started my career, there were less seminars or conferences that I could attend. A lot of what I know today I learned from mentors and first-hand experience, which in itself is a good way to understand the ins and outs of any industry. Which brings me to the idea behind today’s entry: I thought I’d share with you a few ideas on how to be a great salesperson: based on my own experiences and the ideas of people I met over the course of my real estate career.

Being polite and friendly will win you friends—and clients

Early on in life, we learn that, to make friends, we needed to be friendly. I learned from selling in the Calgary real estate market that being polite and friendly makes you more approachable. Not everyone you meet is a potential seller or buyer, but people will never forget that positive and energetic realtor. Who knows, they may even refer possible clients to you – especially when you ask them to!  No matter how many people you’ve talked to in a day, make each person feel as though he’s your first customer. Let them know you are a professional realtor and ask them if they know anyone who could use your help. Also, never forget that a sincere smile and a firm handshake are sure to win over potential clients.

Do your homework

If you want to be a great salesperson, it’s also important that you know your product very well. People looking for property want someone who has extensive knowledge of the real estate market, one who can answer their questions and give great advice.  Aside from knowing everything about a house or a project that I’m selling, I keep abreast of real estate trends and developments. This way, I can give clients a better assessment of how a potential investment will turn out.

Be honest and straightforward

Aside from being well-informed and having a positive demeanor, another winning trait of a great salesman is honesty & integrity. An honest salesperson won’t hide the bad if any are present; instead, he or she will present both the pros and cons of a particular decision or purchase so the potential buyer can weigh their decision carefully.  A rewarding career in real estate hinges on your reputation. Don’t forget that word does travel fast. If you sell someone a lemon and pretend it is not, people will find out about it and there will be repercussions.

Becoming a great salesperson is not only about being able to close the deal. It’s also about building relationships. By doing my homework, working with integrity and honesty, and treating everyone with respect, coupled with hard work, I’ve managed to build a network of satisfied customers who won’t hesitate to put in a good word for me or refer me to a possible seller or buyer.  That is my secret to being a great salesman/realtor in the Calgary real estate market.


Bryon Howard is a top-producing real estate agent with Re-Max House of Real Estate in Calgary, Alberta. He is in love with his high school sweetheart, an enthusiastic dad, and crazy about endurance sports. To learn more about Bryon and his real estate tips, head on over to his website


Know someone who is looking to make a decision in real estate? If you know any friends, family, or co-workers who are looking to buy, sell, or invest in real estate within the next six months, would you forward this email to them or reply with their contact information? I’ll send them important information about the Calgary, AB surrounding area real estate market and politely ask for their business. I greatly appreciate your valued referrals; it’s the only way I build my business.

Free Market Report on value of your home:

Going Healthy in 2013: Tips from a Calgary Real Estate Agent

Tuesday, January 15th, 2013
Going Healthy in 2013: Tips from a Calgary Real Estate Agent


Healthy living is a topic that never gets old in the Calgary real estate industry. At the end of the year, when the idea comes up, someone is always bound to start along the lines of “I will start exercising/eating healthy/sleeping early next year.” The intentions are there, but somewhere along the way, we all get sidetracked at one point or another.

I know that drastic lifestyle changes can be difficult to do, but from experience, I’ve found that they become second nature by doing them repeatedly. Let me share with you three things that I try to do every day.

Get enough snooze time

Sleep is as important as eating right and exercising. Without sleep, your body cannot repair and restore itself, which reduces your immunity and makes you prone to illness.

Now, this one involves our bedtime habits so if you are the type to keep the television, laptop, phone, or tablet on before hitting the sack, you may want to reconsider your pre-sleep habits. Recent findings show that our gadgets’ displays are mimicking daylight and are, in turn, fooling the brain into thinking that we should be up and about instead of sleeping. Essentially, using a backlit device for over an hour will, likely, lead to sleep loss.

For the restless types among you, a Calgary real estate colleague of mine swears by this tip: sprinkle your bedding with lavender water. Lavender is a well-known antidote to sleeplessness. Of course, your mileage will vary with this tip and I have to admit I haven’t tried the idea myself, but if you have some extra lavender water lying around, have a little fun and experiment!

Having some fruits every day

The “apple a day” adage has been around for quite a while now and the funny thing is, it is something that is often overlooked. Before I run out the door to make some inquiries relating to the Calgary real estate market, I try to eat some fruits in the morning. If I don’t have time, I make a smoothie. This way, I’m able to get a fruit into my day.

Speaking of smoothies, I’ve picked up quite a few recipes and one of them is a personal favorite: strawberry-banana smoothies. This one is straightforward and easy to make. Simply combine 2 cups of frozen strawberries, 2 medium bananas, 1½ cups of almond milk, 1 cup of orange juice, and a tablespoon or two of honey in a blender and mix it until smooth. This recipe makes 4 servings, so you have enough for the whole family to share. And because it uses almond milk, it’s perfect for anyone who’s lactose intolerant.

Get moving

Everyone complains that they don’t have time to exercise and go to the gym. That said, your fitness program isn’t limited to the gym. If you’re mindful of your everyday activities, you’ll find that there are so many ways to sneak in exercise into your busy schedule.

One form of exercise that I do a lot is walking. I try to do this when I’m reviewing houses for sale in Calgary. It’s easy, really. What I do is park a little farther away from my destination so I have an excuse to walk. Three brisk 10-minute walks every day can help decrease your chances of getting heart disease, so get walking and keep your heart healthy.

Another way to exercise is by taking the stairs. When I’m making calls or visiting colleagues in the Calgary real estate industry, I try to avoid taking the elevator, especially when it’s just one or two flights of stairs. Not only do I save on energy, it also helps me get some exercise into my routine.

There are many other ways you can do to stay healthy next year. All it takes is some determination and a bit of mindfulness.

Whatever you opt to do, I wish you all the best of luck in your pursuit of great health in 2013!


Know someone who is looking to make a decision in real estate? If you know any friends, family, or co-workers who are looking to buy, sell, or invest in real estate within the next six months, would you forward this email to them or reply with their contact information? I’ll send them important information about the Calgary, AB surrounding area real estate market and politely ask for their business. I greatly appreciate your valued referrals; it’s the only way I build my business.

Free Market Report on value of your home:


Bryon Howard is a top-producing real estate agent with Re-Max House of Real Estate in Calgary, Alberta. He is in love with his high school sweetheart, an enthusiastic Dad & crazy about endurance sports. To learn more about Bryon and his real estate tips, head on over to his website.

A Realtor’s 2013 Calgary Real Estate Market Forecast

Tuesday, January 15th, 2013
A Realtor’s 2013 Calgary Real Estate Market Forecast


At the end of each year, clients and friends are often eager to know my opinion about the state of the Calgary real estate scene, or, on occasions, even the whole of Canada. I often receive questions like: “Is next year a good year to buy a home?” Another popular question people tend to ask me is: “Will my property’s value appreciate next year?”

I can’t say that my take on the real estate industry is definitive, but I did notice a few trends which I will use as basis for some of my projections in this blog.

Zeroing in on Calgary

Based on economic indicators and real estate figures this year, I can see Calgary’s residential real estate market growing even bigger in 2013, thanks in no small part to the solid economy and strong consumer confidence.

Industry insiders will tell you that 2012 had the highest level of sales activity in the last five years. That’s a good sign and indicates a stable economy. They expect to see this sales activity increase even more in 2013.

What does this mean for buyers and sellers and homeowners? Here are a few things that I see happening in the Calgary real estate industry in 2013:

  • Stable property values – Homeowners can rest easy knowing that the value of their investment will appreciate or at least remain stable as employment growth, rising incomes, and low mortgage rates will help sustain demand for housing. In addition, net migration is expected to increase to 20,000 people largely due to the oil and gas sector which is a key industry and is a major factor in generating growth and prosperity. MLS sales are seen to increase by 15.7 percent or 26,000 transactions because of net migration. Moreover, sales prices in the Calgary region are projected to rise by 2 percent or $411,000 and by another 2.7 percent 422,000. 
  • Good time to buy a home – In recent years, more Calgary residents have been buying property, due to the low interest rates.  With low interest rates expected to continue next year, it’s a good time as any to consider buying a new home.
  • Good time to sell – A recent report on the Calgary real estate market showed that single-family homes were most sought after in 2012. More than 60% of sales of residential properties were single-family homes that cost below $450,000. So if you have a single-family home and would like to move to a bigger one, you have a good chance of selling it in 2013, especially if it’s under the $450,000 price point.
  • Strong activity seen in certain Calgary neighborhoods –Killarney, Hillhurst, Marda Loop, Mount Royal, and the Foothills exhibited strong activity resulting in the values of properties in these areas to increase.       One of the reasons that in these areas easily moved is because of their strategic location and proximity downtown.  If you have a few properties in these neighborhoods, next year seems like a good time to sell it, especially with rising demand.
  • Office real estate increases in value– Calgary’s office real estate market has also strengthened this year, compared with 2011. One indication of this is the premium rates that office spaces in certain Calgary areas demand.

The 8th Avenue S. W. Strip, particularly, has been listed as the second most expensive street in Canada, next to Toronto’s Bay Street. With its proximity to retail streets, easy access to transportation, and available parking spaces, it’s no wonder that this particular street in Calgary demands an average of $55.33 per square foot, at $76.50 square foot being the top rent.

As you can see, Calgary’s real estate market is strengthening and continues to grow. From the looks of it, moreover, this trend will continue in 2013. Homeowners, buyers, and sellers in Calgary can be confident that real estate will remain a good investment.


Know someone who is looking to make a decision in real estate? If you know any friends, family, or co-workers who are looking to buy, sell, or invest in real estate within the next six months, would you forward this email to them or reply with their contact information? I’ll send them important information about the Calgary, AB surrounding area real estate market and politely ask for their business. I greatly appreciate your valued referrals; it’s the only way I build my business. You can reach me at this number: 403-589-0004

Bryon Howard is a top-producing real estate agent with Re-Max House of Real Estate in Calgary, Alberta. He is in love with his high school sweetheart, an enthusiastic Dad & is crazy about endurance sports. To learn more about Bryon and his real estate tips, head on over to his

Bryon Howard, RE/MAX House of Real Estate
20, 2439 54 Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta, T3E 1M4
Tel: 403-287-3880 (Re/Max) or 403-475-7368 (office) Fax: 403-287-3876 or 403-276-8049 (office)
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