Posts Tagged ‘#CalgaryRealEstate’

How To Hang A Porch Swing

Tuesday, September 11th, 2018

Warm summer evenings are meant for porch swings. Hanging one from a porch or an arbor is a fairly easy weekend project.

Is Phased Retirement Right for You?

Tuesday, July 24th, 2018

Don’t Want To Retire Yet?…Phased Retirement Might Just Be Your Next Best Thing.

One day you’re a full time employee and the next day you’re not. That’s what retirement can feel like but if you’re looking for more of a gradual exit or no exit at all, you might consider phased retirement.

American Has a Problem

America has a big labor problem—a massive amount of highly skilled workers are retiring or have reached retirement age and that has companies concerned. Not only are people they at retirement age, they hold all of the high-level knowledge.

Even worse, many industries are experiencing a shortage of young workers to fill the gaps.

On the other side, many of those 50 and 60-something workers don’t want to retire. A Merrill Lynch-Age Wave study revealed that 72 percent of pre-retirees over the age of 50 want to continue working in some capacity. Nearly three-quarters of Americans don’t see themselves traveling the world or working in the yard all day.

A Win-Win

Rarely does it happen but in this case, the two sides compliment each other. Employers have an opportunity to retain employees of retirement age because they want to work. That’s where phased retirement comes in. Instead of completely retiring, those workers could reduce their hours, only work certain days, move to a less stressful department, or work from home.

According to a GAO report, companies report four key benefits to phased retirement:

  • Retaining highly-skilled, knowledgeable workers
  • Training and mentoring of younger, newer employees
  • Ability to transition workers into retirement
  • Easier forecasting of future workforce needs


For the employee, they receive benefits as well:

  • Ability to earn income especially if retirement savings are sufficient
  • Remaining mentally and physically active
  • Able to put off collecting Social Security longer making future benefit checks larger

Are Companies on Board?

Despite employers hearing that pre-retirement employees aren’t ready to leave, and a clear benefit to the company, a surprisingly few companies embrace phased retirement. A study from the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies (TCRS) found that 77 percent of employers believe that their employees plan to continue working after retirement but only 31 percent of those companies embrace phased retirement. And by the way, the GAO report above is titled Phased Retirement Programs, Although Uncommon, Provide Flexibility for Workers and Employers. Both studies agree that phased retirement isn’t as common as it should be.

Why So Negative?

The biggest reason seems to be the fear of lawsuits. Could a company open itself up to litigation if it gives a benefit to employees based on age? Because phased retirement often comes with an attractive benefits package, why can’t a younger employee work part time and get the perks of a “phased” employee?

There’s also the management issue. Having employees coming and going on different schedules and working only certain days makes it difficult on company managers who have to keep things operational and efficient every day. And, of course, some companies aren’t overly excited about paying for benefits like health insurance and retirement for employees who are now contributing half as much as they once did.

Finally, it’s hard to promote somebody when there’s somebody else hanging around in doing half of the job.

Tough on the Employee

Phased retirement has its benefits but also some potential headaches for the employee too. Reduced work hours will likely mean some reduction in pay and the amount of money moving into their retirement accounts. There’s also the issue of continuing to earn an income if they want to receive Social Security benefits, and the urge for an employer to continue treating the employee as a full-time employee despite their part-time status.

How to Sell It

If you’re one of the almost two-thirds of the pre-retirement workforce that wants to try phased retirement, it will take some salesmanship. First, make a strong case for how it will benefit the company. What’s the win-win for them?

Second, consider learning a new skill. Is there another job that may not require full-time hours that would only require a little additional training?

Does your company need somebody to travel to other offices and train or evaluate? Do they regularly hire outside consultants in areas where you have expertise? Think of “outside-the-box” angles like these instead of fighting for your current position, especially if what you do now is clearly a full-time effort and the company isn’t going to hire somebody to shadow you even for a short period.

Find out if you’re on track: Retirement Calculator

4 Awesome Kitchens That Will Make You Want Brass

Thursday, July 19th, 2018

Going On Vacation, Here’s My Top Vacation-Proof Houseplants

Tuesday, July 17th, 2018

Whether its Summer, Autumn, Winter or Spring, you’re bound to go on vacation at some point – but what about those beautiful houseplants?…Let me introduce you to some indoor plants you can safely leave while on vacation—without lining up a plant sitter.

Succulents and Cacti

Packing your bags and heading off on vacation doesn’t have to mean you return to a house full of dead plants. Choose the right low maintenance houseplants, and you can take off for even a few weeks without losing a single leaf. I’ve had all of these succulents shown in the image above. If anything, I’ve come back & they’ve grown! For instance, the one on the left, in the front – that stem grew & flowers bloomed.

‘Campfire’ Crassula

Keep the home fires burning with this colorful succulent. As leaves mature, they shift colors from green, to gold and orange, and finally ripen to bright red. Bright light coaxes the best leaf hues from indoor plants. The thick leaves hint that you can leave this plant for a week or two with no watering worries. The formal name for this beauty is Crassula capitella‘Campfire’.


Just give this sturdy succulent bright light, and you’ll be on your way to a happy, healthy houseplant. Aloes need watering only every couple of weeks or so, which means you can take more than a weekend away with no worries. Well-draining soil provides the right rooting environment for this low maintenance houseplant. Come home with a sunburn from that awesome vacation?…Get relief by cutting one of your Aloe leafs off. Either cut it down the center or in half.  Rub the clear “gel” from the plant onto your burn. **Be sure you’re not allergic to Aloe**


Flattened paddle leaves give this succulent a playful feel and bring strong architectural interest to any setting. Indoors, give this South African native bright light, and water only when the top inch of soil is dry. Low thirst means you can skip town for a week or two with no thought for watering. Also known as dog tongue, desert cabbage and paddle plant, this plant is known botanically as Kalanchoe luciae. I have a Kalanchoe & like with many succulents a stem or leaf will fall off or break. If it’s still hardy, stick the bottom of the piece that fell off – right back into the dirt, next to the plant if you want – most of the time a new plant will grow.

Wax Plant

Known botanically as Hoya, wax plant is one of those houseplants that always makes you look good. It’s next to impossible to kill—unless you water it too much. This plant is a succulent, able to store water in its thick leaves and stems. It grows in low light, but you’ll get to see its waxy blooms in a high light setting. Feel free to leave this one for a week or more without water.

Tanzanian Zipper Plant

This cutie may resemble a cactus, but it’s actually a type of euphorbia—Euphorbia anoplia, to be exact. Euphorbias are cactus cousins known for retaining water. The thickened stems on the zipper plant hold enough water that you can slip away for a relaxing two-week trip. Give this plant bright light for best growth.

Red-Headed Irishman

Dry soil and bright light keep this cute cactus looking its best. It’s so notoriously easy to grow that it’s one of the most widely grown cacti worldwide. Expect your plant to form clumps as it ages, producing “babies” along its base. Botanically, it goes by Mammillaria spinosissima.

String of Buttons

The stems on this succulent pierce the center of each leaf, stacking them up like buttons on a string. The thick leaves hoard water, so you can get away for a relaxing two-week vacation without a second thought for this houseplant. Stems tend to trail, making this a good choice for hanging baskets. Botanically, this quirky plant goes by the name Crassula perforata. Another one would be “hens and chicks” funny name, but great succulents!

Sago Palm

You’ll be growing living history when you add sago palm to your home. The leathery leaves have a delicate, fern-like appearance that disguises the plant’s rugged personality. This beauty is a living fossil, a leftover from dinosaur times. You’ll see best growth in bright light, but it survives in low light. The easiest way to kill it is overwatering.


Also known as snake plant, Glowee is a living nightlight. Give it a little natural sunlight each day, and you’ll be rewarded with a soft green and gold glow as night arrives. Glowee is a succulent, so it doesn’t need much water to keep it going. Keep soil on the dry side. This plant can tolerate very low interior light levels, although the glowing effect diminishes

ZZ Plant

With ZZ plant, you can take off for a year and return home to find it looking perfect. It needs that little water. The thick leaves have a natural shine, and it’s happy in any light, low to bright. The only drawback is its slow growth rate, which means it might cost a little more at the nursery (because it takes longer to grow). The double Z stands for Zamioculcas zamiifolia

Owl’s Eyes Cactus

Cactus are famous for needing little care, and owl’s eyes is no exception. Give this woolly cactus a bright, south-facing window and sharply draining cactus potting mix, and you’re good to go. Water sparingly, and keep it in a pot that’s just a bit wider than the cactus itself. It’s also goes by the name owl eye pincushion. In botanical circles, it’s called Mammillaria parkinsonii.

Top 4 Home Renovations For Max ROI

Thursday, July 12th, 2018

Some Highlights:

  • Whether you are selling your home, just purchased your first home or are a homeowner planning to stay put for a while, there is value in knowing which home improvement projects will net you the most Return On Investment (ROI).
  • Minor bathroom renovations can go a long way toward improving the quality of your everyday life and/or impressing potential buyers.
  • Upgrading your landscaping or curb appeal helps get buyers in the door. These upgrades rank as the 2nd and 4th renovations for returns on investment.

Porcelain vs Ceramic Tile

Tuesday, July 10th, 2018

Explore where and why one of these popular tile choices makes more sense than the other…

All tile is created equal, right? Not quite. Porcelain and ceramic may belong to the same family, but they’re two slightly different products. One may be more advantageous than the other depending on where you’re installing it. Here we pose five scenarios and explain whether porcelain or ceramic is the better choice.But before we walk through each scenario, let’s note the key difference between porcelain and ceramic tile. Though they’re manufactured with different types of clay, the Tile Council of North America defines porcelain in terms of water absorption. Specifically, porcelain tiles absorb less than 0.5 percent of water. Ceramic and other non-porcelain tiles absorb more than 0.5 percent water.

20 Inspiring Upcycled One Of A Kind Bathroom Vanities

Thursday, May 3rd, 2018

Dining Room Redux

This mirrored console table was beautiful as a dining room accent, but it’s absolutely stunning when recycled for the bath. The top was sealed with polyurethane — an important step when repurposing furniture to accommodate plumbing — and the square vessel sinks were sealed with caulk around their edges. Hardware was added in varying shades of brown and a mix of finishes to preserve the vintage vibe.

Repurposed Tree Trunk

This onyx vessel sink has found a home atop a salvaged piece of log. There’s even a bit of embedded barbed wire remaining around the hollowed-out stump.

Why stick to the norm when you can put your bathroom sink on just about anything? Above were two of my favorites. Here are more inspiring alternatives for a traditional vanity.

How To Refresh Your Dining Room On A Budget

Saturday, April 28th, 2018

See ideas for updating this sometimes-neglected space, whether you have $100 or $10,000.

How To Design The Perfect Laundry Room

Thursday, April 26th, 2018

The laundry room has finally come into its own as a bright and organized cleanup command center, whether in a tidy corner of the basement or a nook next to the kitchen. For help updating yours, check out this expert advice on everything from energy-wise machines and thrifty flooring options to the best labor-saving layout and how to safeguard your home.

2 Major Myths Holding Back Home Buyers

Tuesday, April 24th, 2018


Bryon Howard, RE/MAX House of Real Estate
20, 2439 54 Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta, T3E 1M4
Tel: 403-287-3880 (Re/Max) or 403-475-7368 (office) Fax: 403-287-3876 or 403-276-8049 (office)
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