Posts Tagged ‘real estate’

4 Ways to Get Things Done in the New Year

Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014

The New Year is on — goals are set, and for me, that means it is time to get things done. I’m busy with real estate; of course, my family; and the outdoor winter sports I love. I love to operate at 100%, which means being efficient and thorough. Here’s how I do it. Maybe this will give you some ideas for setting your goals and getting them done. 

Focus on the right skills and best practices.

In real estate, it is important to be analytical. The market is defined by numbers — for example, prices, inventory, finance, trends, and economics. Clients look to me for expertise on what is happening in the real estate market. I know the market and use what I know to help my clients achieve their goals. In this business, best practices mean really knowing the real estate statistics, and your clients.

Always be ready to learn something new.

Technology advances everyday. In real estate, it improves client communications. Important information about the market is at my fingertips. That means my clients know when something is happening that’s important to them. Technology helps me reach more people with the right information. But it’s not just about work. My wife and I make sure our kids have new experiences that expand their view of the world. With our two kids, we are constantly learning through their eyes. There’s always something new.

Work with competent people.

I’ve always found that teamwork produces a better product. When teams really click, you are more efficient and new ideas are always in the air. Good team members challenge each other to bring the best they have to offer. Team work is very rewarding for everyone. It’s not just a job well done by me, but a job well done by the team. Everyone benefits.

Keep it positive.

Everybody gets more done in a positive atmosphere. Even when things go wrong or just not the way you wanted, a positive attitude will bring better solutions. A positive attitude really makes a difference with clients. I’m confident that they are working with the best real estate team. We all hear about having a positive attitude in sports. It does make a difference. If I know I can take that difficult ski run, I will. If you know you have the right approach, you probably do.

It’s a new year, so let’s get things done!

Are  you looking to Sell or Buy a home in Calgary and need someone who won’t rest until you’ve found your dream home or until your home is sold? I’ll work hard to earn your trust and to deliver exactly what you need. Contact me at 403-589-0004 or at

About Bryon Howard

and his team of Calgary real estate professionals sell an average of one home a week. He is a member of the MLS Million Point Club, which ranks him roughly in the top 8% of productive realtors in Calgary. His aim is not just to please clients but to help them buy/sell a home in Calgary at the best price, in the shortest time, and with the least hassle. He is a member of the RE/MAX House of Real Estate that leads in the Canadian market. Learn more about Bryon at

Study Says Experienced Real Estate Agents Sell More, Faster

Monday, December 23rd, 2013


I came across this recent study by finance and real estate professor Bennie Waller of Longwood University, Virginia, published on the Journal of Housing Research in 2012, stating that experienced realtors sell 12% more homes and 32% more quickly, on the average, than inexperienced agents.

I was happy to get confirmation!

It seems that the adage practice makes perfect is true even in the real estate industry. According to Prof. Waller, “The more experience you have, the more likely you are to sell the properties that you list, the more likely you are to sell (them) at a higher price, and the less time (they stay) on the market.”

I believe experienced real estate agents have these three advantages.

Experienced agents generally know more.

Veteran agents tend to know more about the neighborhood, the market, what buyers and sellers typically need and want, and the entire selling and buying process. For example, veteran seller agents know what buyers are looking for and are aware of the competition, and they use what they know to stage, price and promote the seller’s house to sell fastest and at the best price. Veteran buyer agents know what’s a good buy and how to structure the purchase offer in terms of price, condition dates, closing dates, and even the length of time an offer should be left open, ultimately helping the buyer acquire the property for less money and under the terms and conditions that the buyer wants. A lot of this information cannot be had in a real estate course or from books, but is experiential and intuitive. In addition, veteran agents generally know more buyers and sellers, as well as good and reputable home inspectors, appraisers, mortgage brokers, and other key members of the real estate team.

Experienced agents are more confident about what they know.

 As veteran agents’ knowledge of their business comes not just from books or from other people but from their own firsthand experience over many years, they can hold their own in transactions. They can tell a seller who wants to sell his house at a ridiculously high price that it won’t work, and convince him to go with a more realistic price. He can tell a buyer if a crack on the wall is not a major issue and can be easily repaired, and is in fact a good thing because it will pull down the price.

Experienced agents can advise you through the many changes in your housing needs.

 Veteran agents are of course older and have gone through many changes in their lives and seen the same changes in the lives of others that impact their housing needs. As such, they can be a valuable resource for you as you go through your own life changes and even those of your family.

Everything has its season, though, and the rookies today will be the veterans of tomorrow. So I advise the rookies to go beyond seeing the veterans as the competition, to learning from them so that they could take over when the time is right.


Image Courtesy of  Calgary Herald

Image Courtesy of Calgary Herald


Are you looking to Sell or Buy a home in Calgary and need someone who won’t rest until you’ve found your dream home or until your home is sold? I’ll work hard to earn your trust and to deliver exactly what you need. Contact me at 403-589-0004 or at

About Bryon Howard

and his team of Calgary real estate professionals sell an average of two homes a week. He is a member of the MLS Million Point Club, which ranks him roughly in the top 2% of productive realtors in Calgary. His aim is not just to please clients but to help them buy/sell a home in Calgary at the best price, in the shortest time, and with the least hassle. He is a member of the RE/MAX House of Real Estate that leads in the Canadian market. Learn more about Bryon at

Altadore Real Estate: Choose Your Home

Monday, August 26th, 2013
Pine trees in Altadore Park, Calgary

Pine trees in Altadore Park (photo courtesy of John Vetterli)


It’s been 10 years since I bought Altadore real estate in southwestern Calgary to take advantage of the best schools here for my two children. And I wasn’t wrong—my children’s education is going great! But a lot of other people have been moving to Calgary for many years for other reasons besides the impressive schools—like the especially strong economy! That has in fact made this part of Canada one of the best places in the country to own property.

Hill of gold


I’m particularly happy to have chosen to live here in Altadore because it’s on high ground—in fact its name means “hill of gold”—yet it’s within walking distance of one of the city’s busiest business and shopping centers, Marda Loop, and first-class schools, hospitals, parks and other recreation areas and amenities. No wonder it’s been voted one of Calgary’s best neighborhoods and is luring a great many families and trendy young professionals to settle here. If you’ve decided to move here or are still thinking about it, you’ll be glad to know you have lots of housing types to choose from.

Full range of homes

Luxury single-family homes and condominiums that sell for more than a million dollars abound, with stylish classic to modern designs, high-quality interior and exterior features, and city, downtown or mountain views, and in secure new or mature neighborhoods. There are also lots of more affordable single-family homes, townhouses and maintenance-free low-rise, mid-rise and high-rise condos for first-time buyers, young professionals and investors. House prices average $531 per square foot, and condos, $401 per square foot. If you want brand-new homes, you’ll also find them here! That’s what’s great with a still fast-growing community like Altadore.

Know something else that’s great here? Utility cost is low, and residents can choose between the many electricity and natural gas companies that are based in Calgary.

With all these choices offered by Altadore real estate, you’ll just have to decide on what location, amenities and home features you and your family need and want, and then check out my home listings at or else come on over and take a look around. I’d be happy to show you around myself and help you narrow down your choices; call me at 403-589-0004 or contact me at, and let’s set a date!

About Bryon Howard

Bryon Howard and his team of Calgary real estate professionals sell an average of one home a week. He is a member of the MLS Million Point Club, which ranks him roughly in the top 8% of productive realtors in Calgary. His aim is not just to please clients but to help them buy/sell a home in Calgary at the best price, in the shortest time, and with the least hassle. He is a member of the RE/MAX House of Real Estate that leads in the Canadian market. Learn more about Bryon at

Altadore Real Estate: Love the Neighborhood and the People!

Wednesday, August 21st, 2013
A fence with character in Altadore

A fence with character in Altadore (© Some rights reserved by JMacPherson)

In my earlier blog post on the history of Altadore real estate, I said Altadore literally means “hill of gold.” That got me wondering: where’s the gold? Now after living here for a decade, I’m not asking anymore. This neighborhood that’s nestled like a king on a hill and has a commanding view of the mountains but sits beside a river, is close to a number of popular parks and is just minutes from Calgary’s culture and shopping hub–this is the gold. No wonder it has attracted a great mix of people!

If you’re thinking of living here, pump up your energy because four out of five people here are below the age of 54. What’s more, they’re family people! We love walking around here (like walking our kids to school and other places because lots of places here are within walking distance), watching our kids play in the park with other kids, walking our dogs in the pet park or pampering them at our high-end dog boutique, hanging out at the great shops and restaurants in our first-class shopping center that’s just minutes away, watching a movie downtown, racing our bikes, hiking up our mountains, boating, swimming and skating outdoors, skiing and playing hockey. And there’s lots of room here to do all these, as we’re still a pretty low-density community, though the recent record flood in Calgary has been luring an unusual number of people to move here to higher ground.

But wait–not everything we do here is play! Three out of four people here aged 25 and above are gainfully employed, seven out of 10 people here have college degrees or diplomas and own their homes, and only 15% belong to low-income households. And if you want diversity, some 17% of our population are immigrants from the U.S. and Asia, though 98% of us can speak English and/or French. And you know why? Because of all the jobs from the more than 100 business establishments on our northern border, which is the well-known business district of Marda Loop!

I can keep ranting on about Altadore real estate here and our great community, of course, but what’s best is if you can come check out my neighborhood for yourself so you’ll see what I mean. Give me a call at 403-589-0004 or contact me at and I’ll be glad to show you around!

About Bryon Howard

Bryon Howard is a top-producing real estate agent with Re-Max House of Real Estate in Calgary, Alberta. He is in love with his high school sweetheart, an enthusiastic Dad and crazy about endurance sports. To learn more about Bryon and his real estate tips, head on over to his website.

Heroic Efforts, Community Support & Real Estate Challenges – Our Calgary Flood

Thursday, June 27th, 2013

The stories emerging of heroic efforts and community support in Calgary and southern Alberta are a reminder of how resilient we are. We will get through this. The Stampede must go on! My thoughts go out to all Albertans affected by the flood, in every community throughout the province.

This natural disaster will present unique challenges as it pertains to your, and your friends real estate needs. Those most affected by the flooding will truly be facing a unique situation and will require a level of compassion, creativity and professional expertise to assist in navigating their real estate situation.

This maybe the perfect time for you to move to your next dream home … and provide a home for a family in need. With the number of people that have had damage to their homes – there will be many people looking to buy in the next 6 months. (Also, I expect an influx of migration into Alberta as workers come to assist with the restoration process.) If you are thinking about moving, you can provide a home for people that need a new home.

I am pleased for the opportunity to assist where required – even if only a simple consult to direct folks to the right resources.

I can be most helpful in a few key areas:

1. Assisting in the assessment of housing requirements – near and mid term

2. Sourcing immediate term housing solutions – rentals or quick possession purchases

3. Evaluating real estate assets and how best to protect these investments

4. Searching for a longer term solution if required

I have recently done three separate searches which focus on quick possessions.  I am available for you and your friends, and am happy to provide a showing or activate a more detailed search should they wish.


Banff Bike Fest

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

When I’m not selling Real Estate … you can often find me out on  my bike. This time of year I’m normally out the door by 5:15am and enjoying rides to Springbank … or on the weekend I go longer to Bragg Creek, or South towards Millarville.

This past weekend I took the weekend with my son and raced in the Banff Bike Fest. It consisted of 5 races in 4 days. It’s a pretty special event. On Friday the Lake Louise Road Race had to stop … as we seen three bears  and one elk on  the course!

There was lots of speed, some good results & spectacular Crit Crashes.

I was pretty well  trained – and had the goal of a podium finish in Category 4.

In the end, I finished 5th in the GC in Cat 4.  I’m a little banged up after being crashed out on the final turn, just prior to the sprint in the Crit. My son also had a crash  on the same corner! He is healing well … but his bike is destroyed.


The Power of Property

Thursday, April 19th, 2012

History has proven over and over that Real-estate is the pathway to long term wealth. Any successful investor holds real-estate within their portfolio.  As consumers we have access to 5 areas of retirement planning:

  • Cash From Savings
  • RRSP’s
  • Stock/Bonds
  • Pension
  • Real Estate

Only Real estate allows “leverage” or the ability to acquire large assets at a fraction of their true cost.  Only real-estate allows us to take out “equity” with no or minimal tax implications to serve our future financial needs.

Mark Loewen, Royal Bank of Canada Revenue Property Mortgage Specialist, recently moved into an office down the hall from me here at ReMax House of Real Estate.

Have you  thought about investing in real estate … but haven’t quite taken the next step? Do you need help in getting over the hurdle … the decision … if it makes sense?

Set a 25 min consultation with Mark and I to see if Real Estate Investing is right for you.

I call this meeting… “The Power of Property”.

Real Estate Leverage = Teamwork

WOW Marda Loop – Just Listed – # 203 2420 34 AV SW

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

Marda Loop Condo

Stunning one bedroom condo in the appropriately named building, Dream. This complex offers a beautifully designed courtyard, heated underground parking including visitors’ parking and separate storage. #203 is bright and open with 9′ ceilings. The well designed and functional kitchen includes lots of cupboards, black appliances and a breakfast bar. A spacious dining area provides plenty of space for a table and chairs. The gas fireplace adds a great deal of warmth in the living room. The balcony is a good size and great for entertaining. The extra large master bedroom offers a large closet area and cheater door to the 4-piece bath and insuite laundry. The den makes a perfect computer room. If you desire a great place to live in the best location in Calgary – this is it! In the heart of Marda Loop – Shopping, transportation, restaurants, entertainment & Parks are within walking distance. Close proximity to Westhills, downtown and the road to the Mountains.

MLS #C3517656   Offered at 259,900

Go one better

Friday, March 16th, 2012

Here is a thought I shared with my team and wanted to pass it on…
Go one better
Do circumstances demand that you get up an hour earlier? Then put yourself firmly in control, go one better, and get up two hours earlier.

As long as you’re making the effort, make it count.  Rather than doing just the minimum required to merely get by, do the maximum of which you’re capable.

Don’t just break even by giving what you’re expected to give. Go one better, and exceed everyone’s expectations.

A little bit of extra effort will end the frustration of always playing catch-up. Instead of constantly being run over by the problems, you’ll be out in front, ready and waiting to transform them into opportunities.

Instead of resenting what you must do, rejoice at the opportunity to make a difference. Instead of casting yourself as a victim of low expectations, raise those expectations higher and higher through your commitment to excellence.

Life asks much of you, and with a little extra effort you can go one better.  Go one better, and earn the ability to joyfully live life on your own best terms.

Going the Distance in Real Estate

The Love of The Deal – $12 Hair cut

Friday, January 20th, 2012

Realtor Bryon Howard Loves a Deal

Recently a friend (who also loves ‘the deal’) told me about Right In Hair Styling, on Edmonton Trail and 6th Ave in Bridgeland, Calgary, Alberta. Yesterday I was in the area and met Patrick who has owned the building and has been cutting hair on Edmonton Trail and 6th Ave in Bridgeland, NE Calgary for 22 years.

My friend who got a cut at Right In Hair Styling last week learned he was born in The Year of The Ox. Did you know that it not only matters what your birth year symbol is … but weather you were born in the spring, summer, fall or winter? Also … the time of day?

Owner Patrick and I also had a fun conversation … mostly focused around real estate.
He translated my name to Chinese … and was rewarded with a $3 tip.

A hair cut, a great conversation … and my name translated in Chinese … all for $15. I love a deal. 🙂

Bryon Howard, RE/MAX House of Real Estate
20, 2439 54 Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta, T3E 1M4
Tel: 403-287-3880 (Re/Max) or 403-475-7368 (office) Fax: 403-287-3876 or 403-276-8049 (office)
The data included on this website is deemed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed to be accurate by the Calgary Real Estate Board
Trademarks used under license from CREA